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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bless God, oh His angels, the strong warriors who follow His word. - ISRAEL365

Bless God, oh His angels,
the strong warriors who follow His word.

בָּרְכוּ י-הוָה מַלְאָכָיו
גִּבֹּרֵי כֹחַ עֹשֵׂי דְבָרוֹ

תהילים קג:כ

bar-khu a-do-nai mal-a-khav gi-bo-ray ko-akh o-say d'-va-ro

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse highlights the close connection between faithful service to God and the strength of Israel. When we follow His word, God showers his blessings and protection unto Israel. Young brave soldiers of the Israeli army combine spirit and strength to defend the Land and People of Israel.

Israeli Spies Save Life of
5-Year-Old Syrian Girl

Doctors in Israel saved the life of a
5-year-old refugee girl from Syria after Israeli spies smuggled in a bone marrow donor from an enemy state. Gotta see it to believe it!

For First Time Ever, IDF Opens Historic Ultra-Orthodox Paratrooper Unit

Establishing a new, elite Paratrooper unit is no easy task, when its soldiers are ultra-Orthodox Jews with many unique needs.

What is the meaning of the Shofar?

The significance of the shofar dates back to the dawn of Jewish history, and its call still echoes today in synagogues and temples all over the world. The prized shofars of the Bar-Sheshet and Ribak families have a long and proud pedigree, reflecting the epic history of the Jewish people traveling throughout the diaspora and finally returning home to Israel.
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Today's Israel Photo

Despite intense training in the Jordan Valley, a soldier from the Givati Brigade takes time to wear tefillin (phylacteries) during his morning prayers.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Noam Chen featured the Roman ruins in Caesarea, a city on the Mediterranean that Herod dedicated to Caesar Augustus more than 2,000 years ago. Today it is not only a relic of the past, but a popular tourist attraction.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors!

"Todah Rabbah" to Monique J. from Ohio; Robin M. from Maryland; Joan and Trevor B. from Washington.
Plant a Tree in Israel » 

Thank you to our recent Aliyah Donors!

"Todah Rabbah" to Lawrence H. from Hawaii; Rowena W. from Canada; Matthew P.
from Australia.
Donate to our Aliyah Fund » 

Thank you to our Israel365 Store Charity Donors!

"Todah Rabbah" to Anton S. from Australia; Sandra T. from Alabama; Maxim T. from
New York.
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“They Inspire and Offer Hope to the World”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Good morning Rabbi, I look forward to your emails everyday. They inspire and offer hope to the world. I pray for peace to be within your borders and for G-d's spirit to draw every Israeli into a close personal relationship with Himself. I pray for holiness to reign among your people. I'm more than excited to visit Israel for the first time in November. I'm told it will change my life.  I love the people of Israel. Blessings, Skip Ball, Thousand Oaks, California

Hello, Shalom Shalom! I'm a friend, in profound love of Israel and her people. I love Jerusalem and prayer everyday for her Peace. I'm an American living in Switzerland. May God bless you and the Zion city of God! Amen.

Today's Israel365 is Sponsored in honor of Jillian Ezekiel

We would like to say goodbye to our longtime Israel365 email newsletter editor Jillian Ezekiel whose last day is today. Jillian has been with us for three wonderful years and has added so much along the way. Her sincere love for Eretz Yisrael along with her immense professional skills as a sharp eyed editor has enabled Israel365 to become such a beloved source of Israel inspiration to so many people around the world each and every day. If you would like to send Jillian a note of your personal appreciation, you may email her at I know that Jillian has been a big part of our success and we wish her and her family well as we say Shalom, L'hitraot and Todah Rabba Jillian!
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA