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Thursday, September 8, 2016

"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?" - Esti Eliraz ISRAEL TODAY

"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?"

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  Esti Eliraz  ISRAEL TODAY
Herzl Shaul, father of Oron Shaul declared dead in action, passed away Friday last week Friday aged 54. He fought in vain for 2 years for the return of the body of his son which is being held by Hamas in Gaza. After he was diagnosed with cancer a year ago, he continued with his battle "Operation bring Oron back". He was adamant and in the end he forfeited his life.
Herzl's condition deteriorated in July when planned protests against Israel's government drew less support than was hoped for which was a major blow to him. According to his wife, Zahava, Herzl's spirit finally broke and the disease spread throughout his body.
Aviram, his son, addressed Israel's President and Prime Minister saying that his father had died of a broken heart.He had died regretting mourning for Oron who had been declared dead simply because of a bullet hole and bloodstains in his helmet.
Israel Today visited the Shaul family and conveyed our deepest condolences and a little comfort during the "week of mourning". Many parents who had lost their sons during "Operation Tzuk Eitan" came to pay their condolences. Army Generals also came to pay their condolences and told Zahava that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must do everything possible to bring back the body of her son Oron.
Kay, Oron's beloved boxer dog, still waits for his missing master. He lays down in the doorway of Oron's empty room, as he has done every night for the last two years.
Herzl's two surviving sons, Ofek & Aviram promised their father, that they would continue to do everything they possibly can to bring Oron home, as he lay on his deathbed!

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA