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Friday, October 21, 2016

Jerusalem March attracts tens of thousands - YNETNEWS

Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

Jerusalem March attracts tens of thousands - YNETNEWS Oct. 21, 2016
With Israeli flags waving high, an electric enthusiasm permeates Jerusalem’s streets as tens of thousands turn out to march across the capital and demonstrate their friendship; ‘We love Israel, and we want to support Israel.’
Tens of thousands of Israelis and foreign friends of Israel from across the world flooded Jerusalem’s streets on Thursday as they marched to celebrate Israel’s existence.

Some of the participants who arrived for the traditional annual Jerusalem March explained to Ynet that they were motivated to attend due to their deep devotion to the Jewish people, their love of the nation of Israel and for the people living in Zion.

Jerusalem March attracts thousands from around the world
Watch video here: Jerusalem March

Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

The display of solidarity was particularly significant in light of the recent UNESCO decision to adopt a controversial resolution which Israel has said denies the deep historic Jewish connection to holy sites in Jerusalem.

Shushana from Finland (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Shushana from Finland (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

“We love Israel, and we want to support Israel, “said Shushana from Finland. “To feel the connection between Israelis is the best.”

Photo: Eli Mndelbaum
Photo: Eli Mndelbaum

David from Canada enthusiastically told Ynet, “We want the Jewish people to know that Canada stands with them, that we love them and we say shalom to Israel. God bless you.”

Peruvian delegation joins the festivities (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Peruvian delegation joins the festivities (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

In keeping with tradition the parade, which takes place during Chol Hamoed—the interim period between Sukkot and Simchat Torah—saw the streets filled with groups hailing from dozens of nations waving the Israeli flag and singing traditional Israeli and Jewish songs of peace.

After the conclusion of the march, a number of celebratory performances took place in different locations in the capital.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA