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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lance Wallnau: "5777: The Year Of The Clashing Of Swords!" - The Elijah List

Lance Wallnau

The Elijah List
Oct 19, 2016

We Have An Assignment - To Save This Nation!
God is doing something in this season...
Passion is a strange phenomenon. Less than 48 hours (at the time of this writing) I sat in my hotel room in Jerusalem. I took a break from training that I was doing with First Ladies, Diplomats, and members of the House Lords—all amidst terrorist attacks happening around me that left 5 wounded and 2 dead.
As I flipped on the internet and took in the current news about America I could not help but get all fired up! The devil is bent on dismantling the Christian vote in 2016 and Pastors and conservative leaders are themselves defecting from the battle. It's madness!
Did you know evangelicals make up 27% of registered voters? Add devout Catholics and it is 37%! Together we are the largest, most vibrant, and most dynamic single constituency in the electorate today; a larger force than the Latino, the African-American, and all Unions combined. (Photo via
BUT nearly 14 million of us are thinking of sitting this election out!
I grabbed my cell phone and recorded a live video rant to address this. In less than 48 hours that video is nearing 3 million views (now it's over 3.5 million views)! Someone just notified me the video was sent to Hannity for a Fox interview.
My friend, God is doing something in this season. You and I have an assignment to save this Nation!
Before flying out of Jerusalem, I filled in for Chuck Pierce who could not attend the Jerusalem gathering. He was supposed to speak for Yom Kippur, and reveal the meaning of the New Hebrew Year 5777. This forced me to do some thinking.The Rabbis teach that Yom Kippur is the day that "God looks at us" and makes judgments and decisions for the coming year at Yom Kippur.
The Clashing of Heaven and Hell
As I prayed for you, my children, our nation, this election, and the course of America, something struck me about the significance of this new year, 5777. There are three "7's" in this Jewish new year. Interestingly, the number "7" in Hebrew is the letter "zayin" which represents both the number "7" and the word "sword."
What we are looking at in 5777 is: "The year of supernatural grace (5) to engage the clashing of swords (7)."
The clashing of Heaven and Hell will show up in the conflict of ideologies. This collision of kingdoms has already started. (Photo via Lance Wallnau)
Someone gave me a prophetic word today that proclaimed, "There are spirits being dispatched to put blindfolds on the minds of Christians." We are so easily manipulated through media mind control: sound bites, talking heads, and an onslaught of progressive liberal ideologies baked into our entertainment.
"Zayin" means more than just "sword" or "weapon." It also connects with a modern Hebrew word "mazon," meaning "food" or "sustenance," and "nourishment," both coming from the same root as Zayin.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
5777 is the year of the clashing of swords! We are taking on giants just like the children of Israel did. I choose to believe what Caleb said in Numbers 14:9"Do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them."
Caleb saw the giants in the land not as obstacles but as bread. I believe that as you take on your giants and defeat them they will become nourishment for you! What you bow to will increase your bondage but what you overcome will increase your power!
Feed Your Spirit
The enemy will be bread for you IF YOU FEED YOUR SPIRIT on the Word of God. Jesus says in Matthew 4:4"But He (Jesus) answered and said, it is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"
The Word of God, is the bread you eat that becomes a sword in your mouth! In this new year, 5777, God will open up His Word to you and reveal a "sword" in the Scripture! When you see it—grab it.
Speak what God gives you. Prophesy and proclaim what you see. Expect your utterance to authorize angelic activity through your prayers! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
WATCH NOW! Recent video from Lance Wallnau: "Prophetic Word on Donald Trump: God's Chaos Candidate" – received over 3.5 million views! CLICK HERE or click on image below:

Your Friend,
Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group 
Dr. Lance Wallnau is a catalytic thought leader. An internationally recognized speaker and business consultant, he is one of the premiere speakers on the subject of cultural transformation and the seven mountains. He delivers his message of transformation with relevance, wit, and intensity.
Lance has shared platforms with best-selling authors Ken Blanchard and John Maxwell, and lectured at universities from Harvard and M.I.T. to the London School of Theology. Merging a thirty-year background consulting in business and the non-profit sector, Lance's intuition inspires visions of tomorrow with the clarity of today—connecting ideas to action. His students represent a tapestry spanning nations and spheres: from CEO's and HBO comedians, to professors and pastors, to one of Donald Trump's winners of The Apprentice. Lance is dedicated to the task of meeting with principal leaders in key sectors to bring transformation to nations.
He currently directs the Lance Learning Group, a strategic teaching and consulting company based in Dallas, Texas with affiliate offices opening up in Europe and the Philippines. Lance sees patterns in the chaos and brings strategic focus for maximized outcomes. He believes that unprecedented economic, political, and social shaking will create extraordinary opportunities for leaders willing to climb to the top of their mountain, leverage the platform God has given them, and advance Kingdom interests.
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Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Listen Elijah List Readers! Really LISTEN...
Lance Wallnau is one of the most insightful writers (and video streamers) of any of our prophetic contributors.
Here, Lance is giving you both his article and his streaming video. This is in regard to THE ELECTIONS plus the NEW YEAR we are NOW ENTERING INTO.
This is a keeper, Elijah List friends. You've GOT to share this with your friends too!! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA