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Saturday, October 22, 2016

WikiLeaks: 'Amen' Might Rub People the Wrong Way - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's staff debated how to write a tweet in support of Pope Francis' call to address "climate change." (Reuters photo)

WikiLeaks: 'Amen' Might Rub People the Wrong Way

That almost every aspect of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign is scripted down to the last dotted I and crossed T should come as no surprise, even to the most casual observer. But thanks to WikiLeaks, we now know the painstaking detail her staff puts into every form of communication.
In an email dated June 19, 2015, the staff was debating how to respond to Pope Francis' call to address "climate change." Teddy Goff, Clinton's top digital communications adviser and a former Obama campaign staffer, said he preferred one of the two options, but had a concern.
"Adding Podesta here too for his review," he wrote. "I vote #2, but defer to the non-Jews on this thread if anyone thinks 'amen' might rub people the wrong way."
Podesta responded to the discussion, saying the campaign had been late in getting to the issue, and suggested a different approach. Eventually, they agreed to a revised version that did not include "Amen."
It's troubling that the Clinton campaign might find the word too controversial for a tweet that was supposed to be written by the candidate herself. But the email also exposed another lie about the campaign.
It has previously been stated that any tweet from her official Twitter account that includes the "-H" tag at the end was written personally by the candidate. But this email proves her staff writes those too.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA