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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Amish in PA Seeking Drivers to Help Beat Hillary Clinton on Election Day - RUFUS SHINRA TRUMP CONSERVATIVE NEWS


Amish in PA Seeking Drivers to Help Beat Hillary Clinton on Election Day

Election day is rapidly approaching, and while Hillary Clinton seems busy defending states like Michigan that were already thought to be firmly locked up for her, Donald Trump is on the offensive in historically blue states that could very well end up in his corner.
This year’s election is likely to come down to a handful of swing states, and Donald Trump has a tight electoral path to victory, which is why voters in states like Pennsylvania are going to play a pivotal role in outcome of this race.
In a highly under reported story earlier this year, members of the Amish community were found to be quietly rallying behind Donald Trump and attending his events. There’s been little to no reporting in previous election years regarding Amish voters, as they typically do not vote in large numbers, but this year’s political issues have been particularly impactful in their communities. In fact, an Amish PAC is even seeking volunteers to help drive Amish voters to the polls on election day
From Amish PAC Plain Voters Project website:
Amish PAC needs volunteers to help drive Amish voters to the polls in Pennsylvania. In addition, if you have any Amish friends or neighbors and would like to give them a ride to the polls on Election Day, Amish PAC will provide you with a prepaid gas card.
The purpose of Amish PAC’s Plain Voter Project is to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by turning out a deeply conservative and often forgotten block of voters concentrated in two key swing states – the Amish.
Amish PAC has no use for internet and television advertising because the voters we’re targeting don’t use the internet or watch television. Therefore, Amish PAC’s ad blitz is two-pronged: Newspapers and Billboards. In addition, Amish PAC is building a large network of volunteers across Amish Country to assist in voter registration and flyer distribution.
This is the same Amish PAC that put up billboards for Donald Trump in Lancaster country, Pennsylvania, and encouraged communities to get involved.  In a rare showing of political involvement, Amish voters even showed up to support Trump during his rally in Lancaster County on October 1st.
Pennsylvania could be the key to victory for Trump, and if the state turns red on election night, then it’s a safe bet he has won this election.  It’s also worth noting that Amish voters would not be included in any election polls, since they don’t have telephones for the polling companies to call.

If you’re in Pennsylvania and would like to help Amish voters make it to the polls, you can visit the Amish PAC’s volunteer form here.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA