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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Netanyahu: Donald Trump Is a 'True Friend of Israel' - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Netanyahu: Donald Trump Is a 'True Friend of Israel'

Following the announcement early Wednesday morning that President-Elect Donald Trump had won the U.S. presidential election, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement of friendly support.
"President-elect Trump is a true friend of the State of Israel," it said. "We will work together to advance the security, stability and peace in our region.
"The strong connection between the United States and Israel is based on shared values, shared interests and a shared destiny. I'm certain that President-elect Trump and I will continue to strengthen the unique alliance between Israel and the United States, and bring it to new heights."
Following that statement, he also issued a video address (see above) that reiterated his congratulations to Trump, who he again referred to as a "great friend of Israel." It was a sentiment that seemed to be shared by a wide cross-section of Israeli politics.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said Trump's election proved the U.S. was "the greatest democracy" in the world. He added:
"I hope together Israelis and Americans can grow our innovation and cooperation, which are the fruits of liberty, and equality. God bless you, Mr. President."
Isaac Herzog, leader of the opposition Zionist Union party, also conveyed his congratulations to Trump. Naftali Bennett, leader of the HaBayit HaYehudi (The Jewish Home)—an Orthodox Zionist political party—also said he was hopeful of what a Trump presidency will mean for Israel.
"Trump's victory is a tremendous opportunity for Israel to immediately announce its intention to renege on the idea of establishing Palestine in the heart of the country—a direct blow to our security and the justice of our cause," he said. "This is the president-elect's outlook as it appears in his platform, and that definitely should be our way. Salient, simple and clear. The era of the Palestinian state is over."
For his part, Trump called Netanyahu and invited the prime minister to come to the U.S. at his earliest opportunity.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA