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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The next 90 days are crucial - Lila Rose LIVE ACTION

Dear Reader,

Planned Parenthood was defeated last night. The American people have spoken, and the abortion corporation’s unprecedented $30 million campaign to elect a pro-abortion president and Congress lost at the polls.

When the abortion lobby pushed for unregulated abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and forcing taxpayers to pay for them, TOGETHER, WE PUSHED BACK.

And now, because of the pro-life pledges President-elect Donald Trump made during the campaign, we have an opportunity to significantly move the pro-life agenda forward.

But it’s critical that we act immediately to hold Mr. Trump to those pledges and that we convince Congress to go along with them. You know that all too often, politicians get elected and many of their promises get put on the back burner.

We need YOUR help to create a nationwide call to defund Planned Parenthood, appoint pro-life Supreme Court justices, and to counter the fierce resistance that will come from the abortion industry and its Washington and media allies. Will you make a contribution of $37, $62, $118, or $250 TODAY to help us rally the nation?

Live Action has new video releases coming this winter — and we need your help to make sure they are seen by as many people as possible, so we can increase the public outcry for the new Congress and president to defund Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

That’s why I’m asking you to donate $37, $62, $118, or $250 to help us get these new videos in front of the president, Congress, the media, and the American people so more hearts are changed and millions join the call to demand the end of taxpayer funding for abortionists. 

There’s a reason I have hope today. Over the past eight years, even with the most pro-abortion president in history to date, we’ve seen historic gains in the pro-life movement. We’ve used our media platforms to educate people with the truth about abortion, and it's shifting public opinion.

Starting today, we must work together to create a public groundswell that convinces our leaders in Washington that the time to put Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry out of business is now.

Election Day created an opportunity to stop the radical agenda of the abortion lobby and rebuild a nation that respects our most fundamental right -- the right to life.

Now is the time to make the greatest progress yet. But it will only happen when we work together. Please donate $37, $62, $118, or $250 TODAY to commit to ending abortion in our country. 

Thank you for all that you have done over the past year to help protect the lives of the most innocent among us. Together, we will finish the work we started, and we will eradicate the greatest human rights abuse of our time.

In the fight for life,
Lila Rose

 Lila Rose
 Live Action

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA