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Sunday, December 11, 2016

It's Time to Return to the Promised Land ✡ "I Will Be With Thee" - ISRAEL365

And Hashem said unto Yaakov: ‘Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.’

 וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל יַעֲקֹב שׁוּב אֶל אֶרֶץ אֲבוֹתֶיךָ וּלְמוֹלַדְתֶּךָ וְאֶהְיֶה עִמָּךְ

בראשית לא:ג

va-YO-mer a-do-NAI el ya-a-KOV shuv el E-retz a-vo-TE-kha u-l’-mo-lad-TE-kha v’-eh-YEH i-MAKH

Today's Israel Inspiration

With these words God implies that He will be with Jacob only if he returns to the land of his fathers, the Land of Israel, but not if he stays with Laban in Haran. Rabbi Meir Leibush Weiser explains that God intentionally removed his protection from Jacob in order to motivate Him to return to the Land of Israel. After spending so much time outside the Holy Land it is time to go home. Discover more incredible insights like this one with The Israel Bible.

Take a Virtual Bite of Israel’s Creative Street Foods!

Street food in Israel is “more than that,” says one sandwich shop owner. Enter the dynamic, energetic, modern and yet traditional world of Israeli street food and prepare to be amazed (and hungry)!

Gaining Inspiration from
the Flag of Israel

Before we are redeemed we must verbally commit ourselves to Hashem and not become haughty through our success. This commitment takes the form of prayer in which we must make explicit our affirmation to believe in G-d.

Patterns of Evidence - Part of our DVD Sale

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahony, is a video presenting an examination of a plethora of information gathered during twelve years of research and travel, in an attempt to unlock and reveal evidence of one of the most well-known stories within biblical history, The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Literary, archaeological and historical records were examined to determine whether or not the famous story of the Exodus of Israelites from the land of Egypt is fact or fiction.
Any 3 DVDs Only $50 - Shop Now »

Today's Israel Photo

Jaffa Gate is one of eight gates allowing entry into the old city of Jerusalem. Did you know that its unique angled position is thought to have been created intentionally, purposefully oriented in the direction of Jaffa Road, from which pilgrims arrived at the end of their journey from the port of Jaffa.
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Thanks to our recent Fire Victims Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Peggy Larson from Minnesota; Diana and Georg Neumann from Sweden; Wolfgang Schuler from NRW, Germany; Allan Littell from New York.
Donate to our Arson Victims Fund » 

Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Harry Hudson from Riga, Latvia; Hazel Sproull from Arizona;
Cathy Strode from California; Lane Singer from Colorado.
Plant a Tree in Israel » 

Thank you to our Israel365 Store Customers

"Todah Rabbah" to Tom Newman from Oklahoma; Erin Nemeth from Washington; Matthew Cuthbert from New Zealand; Barbara Stiver from Nebraska.
Shop the Israel365 Store »

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“I Love the Beautiful Pictures”

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Hi, I do enjoy reading your information from ISRAEL 365. I love the beautiful pictures. I pray for Israel. I am impressed by its beauty and peaceful appearance. mI am from Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. In the Caribbean.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA