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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg: The TODAY Show urges viewers to pre-order, “WITHOUT WARNING” - my next thriller.

todayshow-withoutwarningNew post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

The TODAY Show urges viewers to pre-order, “WITHOUT WARNING.” (My next thriller, about catastrophic terror attacks inside the US & the hunt for the head of ISIS, will be published on 3/14.)

by joelcrosenberg
Thank you so much to my dear friend, Kathie Lee Gifford, for recommending my forthcoming novel, WITHOUT WARNING, to all of her viewers on the TODAY Show.
In a segment she did this week with her co-host, Hoda Kotb, called "Favorite Things," Kathie urged viewers to pre-order the thriller before its March 14th release date.
"My [favorite thing] is an amazing book -- it's the third in a trilogy -- by my friend, Joel Rosenberg," Kathie said on the air. "This one is called, Without Warning. Available in March. Preorder -- $26.99 -- on He understands the Middle East and everything that's going on like nobody's business, and he writes great thrillers that sometimes end up coming true."
Several weeks ago -- after reading an advance copy of the novel -- Kathie invited me, my literary agent and my son, Jacob, out to her home in Connecticut for a lovely lunch. We had a wonderful afternoon together, discussing the book, and the others in the series, and talking about future projects.
Kathie, who is an Evangelical Christian from a Jewish background (her maiden name was Kathie Epstein), is a huge supporter of the State of Israel. She loves the Scriptures and the Jewish people and does so much to promote Jewish-Christian relations and tourism to Israel. She has read every novel I have ever written and we finally met last year when The First Hostage was published. Lynn and I also had a fun dinner with her, her kids, and some mutual friends in Jerusalem earlier this year. We're so grateful for her support and encouragement. Thank you, Kathie!
joelcrosenberg | December 28, 2016 at 5:39 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA