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Wednesday, January 4, 2017


0117 - Donald Trump campaign trail
Donald Trump on the campaign trail with his family. Left front: Son-in-law and daughter, Jared and Ivanka Kushner.
Jared comes from an observant Jewish family. Ivanka converted to Judaism. Right: Wife Melania Trump.


MAOZ ISRAEL Monthly Report: January 2017
Tevet - Shevat 5777
Open in PDF

By Shira Sorko-Ram

I remember sitting with a group of about 12 Israeli Messianic leaders in Jerusalem at the invitation of CBN’s Pat Robertson in 2003.

Pat had invited us to give him our perspective concerning the state of the Messianic Jewish body in Israel - its progress and challenges in that still nascent stage of bringing the Good News to our Israeli people.

Afterward, Pat asked us our opinion of George W. Bush’s presidency. We answered in general terms that we were happy to have a U.S. president who professed to be a Christian and who seemed to have some understanding of the importance and needs of the Jewish state.

Pat responded that he felt Bush was in for a great fall because he was the first president to advocate a division of the Land of Israel with the Arabs.

I remember I was stunned. True, the Book of Joel says that God will enter in judgment “on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel” with those who “have divided up My land.” (Joel 3:2) And everybody who reads the Bible knows God promised the land of Israel to the people of Israel multiple times. That’s why both the people and the land are called Israel in the Bible.

But, on June 25, 2002, President George W. Bush declared “…the United States of America will support the creation of a Palestinian state…”

There is no doubt in my mind that when God said, “I will bless those who bless you” (i.e., Abraham and his descendants), He meant it. It is clear to me that one of the principle reasons America is still the number one superpower in the world and is a nation where people all over the world dream of living, is the American people’s unique relationship with the people of Israel. And the backbone of this alliance has been the Bible-believing Christians together with the Jewish American community.

But as today’s younger generation becomes ever more secular (pagan), the love for the people who gave the world the Bible is weakening. Furthermore, as American Jews become more secular, their love for the state of Israel is also waning.

There is no other nation in the world that could take America’s place in its support for Israel emotionally and financially. If America’s support dwindles, Israel will still survive because the Bible says so. But at what cost? The Israeli media continually discusses the threat of Hezbollah’s 100,000 missiles trained on this tiny nation. Israeli military leaders are all preparing for the next war against Iran via Hezbollah.

And all Israel is waiting with baited breath to see what the new President Donald Trump will do.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA