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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jordin Sparks Reveals The AWESOME Moment Jesus Met Her - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Jordin Sparks Reveals The AWESOME MomentJesus Met Her On Easter Sunday
Singer and American Idol winner Jordin Sparks has opened up about the moment Jesus transformed her life. Talking to Miles McPherson a...
Sadie Robertson: "Faith Is Declaring GOD Is So Big, I Cannot Miss HIM!" 
Duck Dynasty Star Sadie Robertson is currently on a nationwide tour, preaching the gospel and encouraging teens to follow Christ with...
Pat Robertson: Trump Opposition Is 'Satanic' 
700 club presenter and CBN founder Pat Robertson has some harsh words for those in opposition to President Trump's plan to 'Make Am...
The Incredible Story Of Faith Behind Navy SEAL Widow Carryn Owens 
It was an incredibly powerful moment. President Trump paid a touching tribute to killed Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, as his widow wept in th...
Franklin Graham: "President Trump’s Speech Last Night Was One Of The Best I’ve Ever Heard" 
Evangelical leader and son of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham has declared that President Trump's first joint session speech to congress was...
Teacher Suspended After Using Ouija Board In Kindergarten Class 
A public school teacher in Wisconsin has been suspended after using an Ouija board in her kindergarten classroom, according to Christian Ne...
Christian Ex-Navy SEAL Ryan Zinke Confirmed As Trump's Interior Secretary 
President Trump has finally had his new interior secretary. He was just voted in by the Senate with a majority of 68-31. Zinke is a...
25-Year-Old 'Demonized' Woman Dies After Being Thrown Into A Fire 
A 25-year-old Nicaraguan woman died Tuesdayafter being thrown into a fire as an attempt to exorcise her of demons. Witnesses say sh...
Rick Warren: 3 Key Questions To Ask Of Any Bible Passage 
When we are attempting to interpret the word of God, subsequently and apply it to our lives, we must exercise discernment. Wh...
We Don't Need A 'Shack' To Ease Our Pain, We Just Need The Healing Word Of God 
There is no doubt that William P. Young's 'The Shack' has been a worldwide phenomenon ever since its initial release ten years ago. So...
Churchgoing Actress Jennifer Garner Gets Behind Trump, Urges Hollywood To Engage 
Christian actress Jennifer Garner has vowed to get behind President Donald Trump as he seeks to 'Make America Great Again.' "...
With Great Blessing Comes Great Responsibility 
I recently heard someone say that she wanted to be a “hilarious giver”—meaning, she wanted to take Paul’s c...
Sam Storms: Experiencing The Joy Of Jesus 
It’s one thing to be filled with the joy that comes from earthly comforts or accomplishments. The joy of winning the game or comp...
Greg Boyd: "The ONE Thing That Can Give Us Joy Is Abiding In The Always Victorious Love Of God" 
In this life we may have trouble. We all know this, and I'm sure we have all experienced tough times at some stage in our lives so far. B...
Franklin Graham: "Don’t Allow Your Young People To Be Sucked Into Hollywood’s Dark Plan" 
Evangelical leader and son of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham has urged Christians to resist the 'dark plan' of Hollywood to entice young pe...
'70% Of Americans Identify As Christians, Only 10% Of Americans "Live" It Out' 
A new study by the American Culture and Faith Institute has revealed the startling contrast between Americans who identify as Christian...
10 Things I’d Do If I Were Raising a Son Today 
I know a little more about this subject, having two incredible sons of my own. But, we always look at life differently from the other side...
Chinese Government Arrests Christians For Selling Christian Devotional Books 
Chinese Communist Government is cracking down even further on the faith community and continues to abuse and commit injustices against...
At What Age Should A Pastor Retire? Ten Diagnostic Questions 
There are a lot of us Baby Boomer pastors and Christian leaders around. And it’s cliché, but we aren’t getting an...
Kris Vallotton: Love Experienced And Unexplained 
When I Fell In Love With KathyHave you ever been in love? You know, the can’t sleep, can’t think, not hungry kind of lov...
The Bizarre Thing I’m Giving Up For Lent That Will Make Me A Better Mom 
Growing up, Lent was something only the Catholics I knew celebrated. I didn’t know any Protestants celebrating it until recenlty....

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA