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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Former Atheist Offers Advice on How to Get Non-Christians to See 'The Case for Christ' - CBN News

The Case for Christ story becomes major motion picture
The Case for Christ story becomes major motion picture
Former Atheist Offers Advice on How to Get Non-Christians to See 'The Case for Christ'
"The Case for Christ" film had a strong showing at the box office this past weekend, finishing number 10. The focus of the film, former atheist Lee Strobel, has advice on how to get non-Christians to see the movie.
"I encourage someone if they're going to invite (a non-believer) to say, 'You might like this one character. He's a little bit like you, he's a skeptic... over-the-top atheist, kind of a militant, hostile atheist, and I think you might get a kick out of his story and how it affected his life and his family,'" Strobel told The Gospel Herald.
Former atheist Lee Strobel talks with The Gospel Herald about inviting non-Christians to the movie, "The Case for Christ." Watch the video above.
"And then offer to buy the popcorn, offer to buy the ticket, but also offer to buy a cup of coffee afterwards and sit down, and then have a conversation about what you just saw," he continued. 
"That may be the most significant moment of the evening," he said.
Strobel said a number of non-Christians watched the film before its April 7 release and loved it.
"It's been kind of pre-tested; people appreciate it regardless of where they're coming from spiritually," he said. 
The movie is based on Strobel's best selling book of the same name.
Strobel was a sworn enemy of Christianity and waged a two-year investigation to prove it was a myth. What the award-winning investigative journalist found changed him forever.
"As someone who likes to see people come to faith in Christ -- I realized that some people won't read a 300-page book, some people won't go to church, but most people will come to a movie," the atheist turned Christian apologist said. 
"This message of hope and grace, this love story and this story of a father-son relationship, of a mystery, of a big city newspaper, of a spiritual investigation -- we thought maybe it would intrigue people, and through that, they might be exposed to some of the evidence for the truth of Christianity," Strobel continued.
The movie rated a rare A+ CinemaScore on opening weekend and drew nearly $4 million at the box office.
"The Case for Christ" will now be shown in around 1,600 theaters across the country this upcoming weekend -- a 40 percent increase.
"It's a love story and a thriller detective film," Strobel said. "I'm delighted it resonated with audiences and opened so strong."
"'The Case for Christ' offers an honest and compelling look at the reliability of the resurrection through the eyes of a man desperate to disprove it," said Pure Flix CEO and producer Michael Scott. 
"For those with questions, and others who just want to affirm their faith, Lee Strobel's dramatic on-screen investigation is clearly resonating with people," Scott continued. "Seeing this film is the perfect way to celebrate Easter this Sunday."

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA