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Monday, April 17, 2017

Prophecy: These 3 Spheres of Influence Will Be Challenged - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

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Prophecy: These 3 Spheres of Influence Will Be Challenged

Global Prophetic Voice founder Dr. Theresa Phillips, senior pastor of Kingdom Global Impact Center in St. Charles, Ill., shared a new word from the Lord over the weekend in an article written for Elijah List readers.
In it, she said she was having a vision about "piracy" that was about the exposed, and how God planned for a restoration, even within the Body of Christ. Then, she suddenly heard the Lord speak directly to her, giving her this message:
Theresa, the Media is about to fold in. Some networks are going to fold up and many in business will be exposed. I am calling for a praying Church who will recognize where to pray, where to focus, and to believe for the salvation of those who will be exposed.
I am highlighting three major influential arenas. I am causing a divine interruption of media, arts and education. I am calling for these three spheres of influence to be challenged.
Yes, the world will soon see a battleground emerge in these three areas, and many will cry for justice! Parents will take their children from schools and a boycott of the film industry will emerge. Do not take this lightly," says the Lord.
These three spheres of influence will be shaken and that which is right will stand! For I am going to use My Church to be a bridge in the media. A new news beacon will emerge. Schools will say, 'Come back, we heard you.' The film industry will begin to listen to the people and more value will be placed on the family in films. This Christmas, many films will emerge that address healing within family. Yes it is so," says the Lord.
Phillips urged those who read her article to pray for those who are about to be exposed.
"Pray specifically against the piracy which God spoke to me about and that the necessary exposures would take place," she wrote. "Pray for the ones who will hear and pray for the Christian to be willing to stand against the forces of evil and go for it."
Click here to read the entire article at the Elijah List website.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA