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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Are We Witnessing Prophetic Fulfillment in 2017? ✡ "Shall Be Full of Boys and Girls" - ISRAEL365

And the broad places of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the broad places thereof.

וּרְחֹבוֹת הָעִיר יִמָּלְאוּ יְלָדִים וִילָדוֹת מְשַׂחֲקִים בִּרְחֹבֹתֶיהָ

 זכריה ח:ה
ur-kho-vot ha-eer yee-mal-u y'-la-deem vi-la-dot mis-kha-keem bir-kho-vo-te-hah

Today's Israel Inspiration

The prophet Zachariah prophesied that despite the overwhelming trauma of the exile, the day would come when the plains of Judea and Samaria would once again be filled with the laughter and joy of Jewish children as they play and run through the fields of the Holy Land. Today, we see that prophecy has so clearly come true: families are building their homes on the land of their ancestors and raising children who deeply cherish the Holy Land. But politics refuse to see this as a homecoming, and instead blame the Israelis as the obstacle to peace. Facing this criticism, the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund was established to nurture the children living in Judea and Samaria, and to encourage them to have strong faith that they are a part of prophetic fulfillment.

Judea and Samaria's Fruitful Harvest: Its Children

Are we witnessing prophecy unfolding right now after the 1967 War? "Absolutely!" answered David Rubin.
We Are Celebrating 50 Years Since Jerusalem's Reunification!
Countdown to Jerusalem's Golden Jubilee:
8 Days!
In this very meaningful video, the Western Wall in Jerusalem is personified as a witness to bitter tears as well as joyful song. Whatever brings a person there, he can be sure the stones are a reservoir for his heart’s desires and his prayers go straight to the heavens.
Host a Jerusalem at 50
Jubilee Party with Your
Own Celebration Kit!.
Show Your Love for the
Holy City of Jerusalem
With a Special Contribution.

Why Rebuild an Ancient Structure?

The Holy Temple was not just another edifice used for ancient religious practices. It has a meaning far deeper and more profound which has withstood the test of time and entered the reality of the twentyfirst century.

80% OFF Israel Kippahs!

These stunning Kippahs are adorned with scenes of Israel that will make you feel close to home and close to God every moment of the day. Though there is no explicit mention of the sanctity of the Kippa in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud teaches of the obligation to cover one’s head upon mentioning God’s name in order to exhibit true humility in the face of his Creator. At 80% off, you MUST order an Israel Kippah!
Shop Now-80% off! »

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo is of a very happy little girl waving the Israeli flag as she celebrates Israel's Independence Day: Yom Ha'atzmaut . What an amazing way to see Zachariah's prophecy from today's verse come true in modern times!
Photo by Shutterstock
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"Todah Rabbah" to Ramona F. from Canada; Graham N. from Australia; Herbert H. from Canada; John F. from Nevada.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Adriana M. from Arizona; Michael R. from Washington; Donald N. from Tennessee; Wai Fong, Grace C. from Hong Kong.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to our Holocaust Survivors Fund Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Julinho A. from Florida; Stu S. from California; Robert S. from Australia; Pamela F B. from Australia.
Show Your Love for Holocaust Survivors in Israel » 

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“Prayers for All the Jewish People”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Prayers for all the Jewish people an for Israel for God to bless them Praise God pray for all the lost an poor an needy.pray for me an my family for a financial blessing where we can help more praise God.Pray for Bakers auto body to prosper an be safe Praise God pray for America an our leaders to help Israel. I pray God blesses you all in every way. Praise God.I love Israel an all the Jewish people. --Larry Baker.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA