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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Awesome - Our God Reigns" - Steve Martin's newest book (#14) is now published! - Paperback & Kindle

"Awesome - Our God Reigns" 

Steve Martin's newest book (#14) is now published!

You can purchase online at Amazon.

May 24, 2017


I was most encouraged in writing this book. After publishing my previous 13 books, I believe this will be considered one of my best for many readers. 
Especially after my trip to Israel April 30 - May 9, 2017, I am looking forward to sharing it with you now that it is published. It includes my messages and many photos from that time in Israel.

Be blessed in Jesus. The Living God of Israel, Who shows Himself strong.

Steve Martin

Love For His People
Martin Lighthouse Publishing

P.S. 28 chapters plus 2000 photos! (Just kidding - there are only 128 photos - so the guys will buy it and at least look at those.) The cover photo I took is that of the lion living at the Jerusalem Zoo. To me, he is a great image of the Lord, the Lion of Judah Himself.

And to know that it has been published on the 50th reunification anniversary (May 22, 2017) is extra special.

The Introduction

Our God, the living God of Israel, is an awesome God. He is alive and well, and in full control of what is happening in these days we live in. His love and mercy are on display daily, as He draws His people to Himself, both Jews and Gentiles. 

I have compiled these Now Think On These into another book, messages written over the last months, and added the Jerusalem Log daily updates from my trip to Israel May 1-May 9, 2017. I hope you will be encouraged in your daily walk with the Lord through the reading of them.

If you know Jesus (Yeshua) you know that He is there day in and day out, leading and directing us to become more conformed to Him, and be a witness in the earth. If you do not know Him yet, I pray these words (and photos) will move your heart ever closer to the point when you do. Be blessed, with the shalom (peace) and ahava (love) of the Lord. 

Steve Martin 
Charlotte, NC 
May 22, 2017 
Jerusalem’s 50th Anniversary of Unification!

Available now on Amazon in paperback. 

Product details



    Dedication                                           Page 7
    Introduction                                         Page 8

    1.  Your Choice or God’s?                             Page 9
    2.  H.O.P.E.                                                    Page 17
    3.  Mercy for the USA                                   Page 21
    4.  Fire                                                            Page 24
    5.  Two Sides of the Coin                               Page 28
    6.   No Doubt                                                  Page 31
    7.   I Thought I Was Ready                            Page 34
    8.   When It’s All Benn Said and Done          Page 37
    9.   What Ifs                                                    Page 41
    10.  Got A D On My Review                          Page 48
    11.  If He Had Not                                          Page 52
    12.  Beauty                                                      Page 56
    13.  Refreshment                                             Page 60
    14.  Doubt & Unbelief                                    Page 63
    15.  Only the Beginning                                  Page 67
    16.  Lives Laid Down                                     Page 71
    17.  Changing My Heart                                 Page 78
    18.  More Clearly                                            Page 81
    19.  Jerusalem Log Intro - Going Alone         Page 85
    20.  Jerusalem Log #1 - First Full Day           Page 87
    21.  Jerusalem Log #2 - Shop Owners 
              and the Kotel (Western Wall)                Page 92
    22.  Jerusalem Log #3 - Independence Day    Page 97
    23.  Jerusalem Log #4 - Louie                         Page 103
    24.  Jerusalem Log #5- 
               Jerusalem Wall of Life                         Page 110
    25.  Jerusalem Log #6 - Ice Cream Flavors    Page 118
    26.  Jerusalem Log #7 - Why?                        Page 122
    27.  Jerusalem Log #8 - Thankful                   Page 128
    28.  Jerusalem Log #9 - Until The End           Page 130

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR                             Page 135

    CONTACT INFORMATION                     Page 138

           BY STEVE MARTIN                           Page 140

    Stop the Boycott of Israeli Goodies
     - Buy Israeli Hoodies!                                  Page 154

       ENCOURAGEMENT from Others         Page 168

    Lions at the Jerusalem, Israel Zoo
    May 6, 2017
    Photos by Steve Martin

    I used this photo for my book's cover.

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    Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

    Steve Martin
    Love For His People
    Charlotte, NC USA