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Monday, May 15, 2017

Being an Ambassador for Messianic believers - in the British Embassy in Israel! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Being an Ambassador for Messianic believers - in the British Embassy in Israel! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

May 15, 2017

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Recently I had the pleasure, along with other spiritual leaders in Israel, to attend an event at the British Embassy in honor of the Archbishop of Canterbury's visit to Israel.

It was an unexpected honor since Messianic Jews are not officially 
 recognized or accepted in Israel. Due to a divine appointment that had happened just days earlier where a representative from the Embassy met a spouse of one of our staff, I received an invitation to the Embassy, to my great surprise! The important matter as far as I was concerned was that Messianic Jews were represented at such an official event. Pictured below is (from right to left) the Archbishop Justin Welby, along with Canon Hatem Shehadeh, an Arab brother who studied in our pastors' MA course, myself and Victor Kalisher, another Messianic believer who heads up the Bible Society in Jerusalem.

The chief rabbi of the UK, Ephraim Mirvis, also came to Jerusalem with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the two prayed at the Western Wall and visited the Holocaust Museum, Yad VaShem. 

In the face of all the controversy about the importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people, Archbishop Justin Welby affirmed; 

"The Temple Mount is the site of an historic temple and that is the heart of the people of Israel over many, many centuries, millennia in fact... We recognize the ongoing presence of the Jewish people and our eternal right to the city. It's the spiritual capital of the Jewish people and we're going through another episode of dispute." 

Why not come see for yourself the miracle of modern Israel! Join us on a ministry trip, where you will not only see the sites, you will serve the people as well. 

ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry Trips not only show you the famous biblical sites of ancient Israel, we also provide once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to bless the people of modern Israel, both Jews and Arabs, through hands-on volunteer activities throughout our trips. 

Service opportunities may include such activities as visiting the sick at an Israeli hospital, packing food for those in need, or putting on a program for Holocaust survivors. And whereas most tours to Israel only show you the ancient stones, we bring you face to face with "living stones" as well, Jewish and Arab Israeli believers who are a testament to God's faithfulness to Israel. With your believing tour guide leading you, you'll meet members of the body of Messiah in Israel and get a glimpse into what it is like to be a believer in Israel. 

When you return home, you'll not only have memories of seeing places in Israel where God worked in the past, you'll also have stories of how God is working in Israel today! 

So how do you get in on such a special trip? Simply go, select a trip, and follow the instructions to sign-up! We still have openings for our June and November trips and we'd love to have you join us!


By sunset, Jerusalem's stone walls are radiant with rosy golden and tawny hues, making it glow like a city of gold. There is a law passed during the time of the British mandate forbidding building using any other stone other than Jerusalem stone in the area, to preserve the heritage of the beautiful city. But do you know what this famous "Jerusalem stone" is made of geologically? Continue reading...

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ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA