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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Jerusalem Log #7 - Saturday 05.06.17 Jerusalem, Israel - “Why”

A few members of the Nissim and Hadassah Lerner family

"Why" - Jerusalem Log #7
Saturday 05.06.17 Jerusalem, Israel
Steve Martin

Greetings from the land of the Messiah, Who came for all of us.

Why does anyone come to Israel? Of course to experience the spiritual reality of walking where Jesus (Yeshua) walked; to see for yourself the historical locations mentioned in the Torah and the Covenants, the full Bible; and to stand in support of the people, even more so as the world around them grows more hostile and committed to destroying them, as they have sworn to do.

My purpose for these many journeys to their Land is to personally let them know that I too believe what the Scriptures say, what the prophetic truths have declared, and to be a part of the plans of the Lord God of Israel. Simply doing my part.

My heart, and that of Love For His People ministry, is to do what we can, with what we have. That is to love the Jews, living in their Land, given to them through Abraham, from the Father above.

Over these past 40 years many personal relationships have developed with those who have paid the price, made the move (Aliyah), and now walk in faith for that which has been given to them. After centuries of hate and destruction from so-called “Christians”, my actions as a true believer must be to show them the love of their Lord and mine, from a Gentile (non-Jew) as I am. My presence here in Israel demonstrates my commitment to them. It is putting my money where my mouth is.

One relationship that has developed over the last three years is with that of the Lerner family, living north of Jerusalem. Nissim and Hadassah have opened their door to my wife Laurie and I, and we are so grateful for their hospitality and love shown towards us.

Birthday party for the 16th grandchild on his 1st birthday

Having made aliyah with their family of four sons and one daughter in 1989 from the Virginia, USA area, they have put their roots down here, and are seeing the fruit of their determination to live as the Lord has directed. Now with 16 grandchildren and counting (their daughter has nine children!) they are living their lives with the strength provided from above.

Nissim works with CBN, and has seen his important, “behind the scenes” part in the ministry grow and flourish, as the TV and Internet presence of CBN News continues to increase, broadcasting weekly from Jerusalem. Also, Nissim is an excellent cook!

Hadassah lays her life down by being fulfilling the important role of being grandma to her 13 grandchildren also living in the same community. Whatever is needed, both her and Nissim are here to give encouragement to them all. Her postings on social media (primarily Facebook) certainly helps give the truthful position on what really is happening in Israel. I myself have reposted many of what she has put forth.

Both her and her husband have certainly been very hospitable each time we have come and stayed in their home. They often open their home to others who come, for a few days or months. Even now they are hosting a Chinese Jewish girl going to school here at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Their son Timothy actually taught her in China when she was younger. He is fluent in Mandarin and leads many Chinese on tours in Israel as their certified tour guide.

Hadassah, Tim, Shan Shan and I at the Jerusalem Zoo May 6, 2017

Giving thanks to the Lord for what He has done here in Israel, which is miraculous to say the least, is the first thing we regularly do. Giving love for His people is the natural outcome of His love and truth shown to us. We are a blessed people to be grafted into His plans and purposes, into the tree of life. Seeing Him through all this is awesome.

That is why we stand with the people of Israel.

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Israel!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA