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Monday, May 8, 2017

Jerusalem Log #8 - "Thankful" Monday 05.08.17 Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Log #8
Monday 05.08.17
Jerusalem, Israel

Be blessed this day, as I write once again from Jerusalem.

This is my last 24 hours in Israel for this “almost annual” trip. Though each day I didn’t have a schedule, the Lord truly did direct my steps. As I committed myself to Him, He led me to new places, meet new people, and see His hand upon this Promised Land of the Jews.

With the friends I stayed with, time spent with shop owners and others along the way, standing with the people of Israel continues to grow stronger in my heart. This is the Lord’s plan. This is the Lord’s purpose – for believers to stand with their Jewish brothers and sisters, looking forward together for the coming of the Messiah. For some, it is in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) return. For others, it will be meeting Him for the first time, as He comes as King this time.

As I have written often, we are blessed if we pay back in the natural as we have received in the spiritual. It is through the Jews that the Prophets, the Written Word, and the Messiah have all come. Our support for them, as they come back to the Land and themselves are a witness to the world of His faithfulness, will bring the blessing even more upon those who stand with them.

Thank you Israel for your commitment to be who you are called to be. Our commitment is to be with you.

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Israel!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA