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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Jerusalem Log -Thursday 05.04.17 Jerusalem, Israel #5 - “Jerusalem Wall of Life” mural by Steve Martin


“Jerusalem Wall of Life” mural
Steve Martin

Jerusalem Log #5
May 4, 2017
Jerusalem, Israel

Greetings to you from the Promised Land!

It sure is great when the Holy Spirit guides you. Once you ask Him to of course.

After driving the short 25 minutes from Jerusalem to King Herod’s Palace and tomb (three videos I recorded are here), when I was finished, and tired from the many steps, I asked “Where next, Lord.” His reply was “Derek Prince’s gravesite.” And so I went back to Jerusalem, to Germantown.

I had been to the Alliance Church Cemetery twice before, but wanted to see it again. It is in the southern part of Jerusalem, in what was/is known as Germantown. I somewhat knew the way, but again was asking the Lord to direct my steps (as I drove.)

Traffic is packed full of buses, taxis, motorcycles, mopeds and cars no matter where you drive in the capital city of Israel, and with a rental car, parking is even more of a challenge. But I found a lone spot two blocks from the cemetery entrance.

Once inside, I started the circular walk to the right, with Derek’s grave not too far from the metal door entrance, part of the stone/block wall that surrounds the Alliance Church Cemetery. To my amazement the mural, which I had first heard about on the 700 Club on CBN a few years ago, was completed! It began in the right, southwest corner of the walled-in resting place, and filled the 12 foot tall wall the entire 70 yards (my estimate) of the right side. Then it turned the corner and ran another 30 yards or more on the eastern wall. What a glorious site!

From Genesis to Revelation, with Abraham, Moses, Joseph and to the reign of Jesus (Yeshua) in Revelation, the complete Bible story is told, painted by Patricia Solveson from Wisconsin, USA. It took her six and a half years.

And how do I know that? When the lady sitting on the wooden bench at the end of my walk around the area, after taking several photos of graves, asked me if I was a photographer, I replied, “I like to take pictures.” I asked her who she was. She softly said, “I am Patricia. I painted this mural.” Wow!

Patrica Solveson

Patricia then went on to say how the Jerusalem Wall of Life came about, beginning over seven years ago when she was asked to do the mural. The director of the cemetery had seen her painted artwork she brought to Jerusalem for several years, giving it away as gifts, and wanted her to paint the mural. Once started, six and half years later, when coming in the spring and fall with her husband Carl, Patricia beautifully put the story of salvation on the Jerusalem wall.

Many people visit the cemetery to see graves of the believing Gentiles buried there. As she shared stories with me, she described how a Jewish man would come often, asking her why this and that was depicted. In time, as she explained the plan of God to him, he too became a believer and now still comes regularly to visit. Other Jews who come in off the street, out of curiosity most times, wonder why the Star of David and Christian symbols are on some sites.

The last few years have seen several Messianic Jews laid to rest here. May the Holy Spirit continue to share the message of hope and salvation to all who come.

You can read more about Patricia and the mural at the website Jerusalem Wall of Life - It is Finished!

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Jerusalem!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

P.S. I had the honor and privilege of working with Derek Prince Ministries for a total of eight years – three in Fort Lauderdale and five in Charlotte, NC.

Patricia said she painted the computers in this section, "To show we have modern day idols."

Patricia Solveson near Derek Prince's gravesite.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA