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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Jerusalem Log #4 - Wednesday 05.03.17 - “Louie” by Steve Martin


Jerusalem Log Wednesday 05.03.17
Jerusalem, Israel
#4 - “Louie”

Greetings to you once again from Israel.

The love for Israel goes beyond being in wonder at the landmarks, the historical sights and the Jewish culture. It is loving the people themselves, even as Yeshua did when He came the first time. Showing the Father’s heart for the people He created, with His love, is what it is all about.

My heart for Israel began to grow in the 1980’s when I connected with Christian ministries that were presenting the truth about the plans and purposes God has for His Chosen ones. Derek Prince, Mahesh Chavda and Barry Segal (three men and their wives having ministries I worked with for over 24 years) spoke the written word of God, explaining the Scriptures and prophecy, revealing Jesus (Yeshua) and His love for the people.

Coming here to Israel, now for the 13th time, my commitment to stand in support of what the Lord is doing here is solid. He continues to bring them back to the Land promised to them through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Loving the people is what it is all about.

My friend Louie owns a shop just within the Jaffa Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. He says I first met him in 1998, and goes on to say that his birthday makes him three months older than my son Ben, also born in 1979. Louie has a good memory. Each time I see him I try to support his livelihood with purchases from him. Buying Israeli goods, made in Israel, not only helps the local economy, but it also provides gifts for my family and friends, which I especially enjoy.

Jaffa Gate entrance

Today Louie told me times have been tough for him. He now has his own shop, after sharing many years with his brother Solomon. But rent is higher and certain tour groups don’t spend as much as us Americans do. My objective was to buy an olive wood camel as an appreciation gift for my sister doing our family reunion organization this year. Before I left his place, I had much more in the bag. (Gotta watch these shopkeepers. They know how to sell, by convincing you “you just need this one more item.”)

After completing the transaction and giving me a fresh cup of pressed orange juice, Louie took me to his brother Solomon’s shop. Of course I had to kindly stand my ground and not buy anything more, even after a hot cup of mint tea was served in their “friend’s back room”, having more beautiful goods. I had done this before, so was wiser than the last time.

Before I could get a sip of the hot brew, Solomon introduced me to Thomas. Of course he then pulled out the Roman coins and the ancient widow’s mite, and wanted to make me a good deal. Once again I kindly explained that Louie had already emptied my wallet. Thanks, but no thanks.
Then Thomas explained that he was on dialysis twice a week, and uncovered his left arm. From his wrist to his elbow, his blood vessels had large bubbles in several spots. He asked that I touch them, and when I did I could feel his blood pumping through. I was shocked. I had never seen this before.

I then asked him if I could pray for him, and he said yes. So I prayed in faith that the Lord God of Israel, Yeshua, would quickly provide a donated kidney, and for complete healing for Thomas. I believe the Lord heard that prayer.

His heart, for His people, is why I come to Israel. May they know the living God, and call upon the name of the Messiah Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, as their Lord and Savior.

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Jerusalem!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA