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Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Ultimate Wedding in the Heart of the Holy Land ✡ "Give Thanks to Hashem of Hosts" - ISRAEL365

The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say: ‘Give thanks to Hashem of hosts, for Hashem is good, for His mercy endureth for ever’, even of them that bring offerings of thanksgiving into the house of Hashem. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, saith Hashem.

קוֹל שָׂשׂוֹן וְקוֹל שִׂמְחָה קוֹל חָתָן וְקוֹל כַּלָּה קוֹל אֹמְרִים הוֹדוּ אֶת יְהוָה  צְבָאוֹת כִּי טוֹב יְהוָה כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ מְבִאִים תּוֹדָה בֵּית יְהוָה כִּי אָשִׁיב אֶת שְׁבוּת הָאָרֶץ כְּבָרִאשֹׁנָה אָמַר יְהוָה

ירמיהו לג:יא
kol sa-SON v’-KOL sim-KHAH kol kha-TAN v’-KOL ka-LAH kol o-m’-REEM ho-DU et a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT kee tov a-do-NAI l’-o-LAM khas-DO m’-vee-EEM to-DAH bayt a-do-NAI kee a-SHEEV et sh’-VUT ha-A-retz k’-va-ree-sho-NAH a-MAR a-do-NAI

Today's Israel Inspiration

Jeremiah promises that one day the Land of Israel will be filled with the sweet sounds of both ‘sasson’ and ‘simkha,’ Hebrew words that connote both joy and happiness. What will be the source of these joyous sounds? The voices of a bride and her bridegroom joining together under the wedding canopy as they ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime: marriage and building a home! This summer, dozens of young Jewish men and women in Israel will be uniting to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy and fill the city of Jerusalem with the smiles and music that accompany the wedding day. Yet we must remember that the wedding itself is only one component; many tend to forget the numerous expenses that come with setting up a home, such as furniture, appliances, and the like. Now you can bring 'simkha' and 'sasson' to a bride and her bridegroom by contributing to a very unique campaign dedicated to making Jeremiah's prophecy come true.

Culture Minister’s Stunning ‘Jerusalem Dress’ Turns Heads at Cannes Festival

Israeli Minister of Culture and Miri Regev caused a stir on Wednesday when she appeared at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival wearing a dramatic gown that depicted a panoramic image of Jerusalem, including the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount and the Western Wall (Kotel).
We Are Celebrating 50 Years Since Jerusalem's Reunification!
Countdown to Jerusalem's Golden Jubilee:
4 Days!
Jerusalem is more than a site for seekers of spiritual enlightenment; it's also a popular attraction for visitors from all over the world to walk the streets and see the enriching culture that the holy city has to offer. Here's one amazing couple who bring joy in the form of music to all the passersby in the downtown area of Jerusalem.
Host a Jerusalem at 50
Jubilee Party with Your
Own Celebration Kit!.
Show your love for the
brides and grooms of Jerusalem With a
 Special Contribution.

A Classic Jewish Wedding Song to Lift Your Spirits

One of the most popular songs sung at Jewish weddings, "Od Yishama" (There will be heard) is comprised of lyrics from the Book of Jeremiah. This catchy tune by talented singer Shlomo Katz will have you smiling all day long!

Why Celebrate Jerusalem?

In June of 1967, over the course of six days, the world witnessed a divine miracle. When Israel’s enemies marched to her borders, the young state did not think it would survive. But God not only saved the Jewish State, He reunited the city of Jerusalem, liberating the Old City and  returned His people to the Biblical Heartland (Judea & Samaria). You too can mark this special occasion. Our Jerusalem Jubilee celebration kits include everything you need to throw a party celebrating Jerusalem’s golden anniversary, plus commemorative gifts for all your friends to take home!
Shop for all of your celebration needs- 30% Off! »

Today's Israel Photo

Can you imagine getting married in the Holy City of Jerusalem with the incredible Temple Mount right in the background? What an incredibly special moment that must have been for the lucky couple!
Photo by Shutterstock
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"Todah Rabbah" to Roberta A. from California; Ellen B. from New York; Carol J. from Michigan; Mary K. from Canada.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Ronald C. from Virginia; Peter R. Jr from South Carolina; Ben H. from Washington; Jeanette R. from Hawaii.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to our Holocaust Survivors Fund Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Heddy S. from Canada; Daniel Alena H. from Czech Republic; Joseph Francois O. from South Africa; Ron S. from New Jersey.
Show Your Love for Holocaust Survivors in Israel » 

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“Hashem Bless Rabbi Tuly”

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Love Israel365.  My life is much richer. Enjoy all, especially the music videos. Where Messiahs heart is, there is my heart! Praying for Jerusalem( USA embassy move),Judea, Samaria, Jews ,Arabs, Palestinians. Hope to visit soon! Hashem bless Rabbi Tuly and give him many, many trees! --Sandy Douglasville, GA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA