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Saturday, June 10, 2017

First “Jacob’s Lambs” in 2,000 Years Born in Israel, Heralding Return of Biblical Identity - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

BIN HeaderBiblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount
June 8, 2017

First “Jacob’s Lambs” in 2,000 Years Born in Israel, Heralding Return of Biblical Identity

US Lawmaker at Congress-Knesset Jubilee Event: “Jerusalem Must Remain United for 1,000 Years”

“Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of Hashem is risen upon thee.” (Isaiah 60:1)

The Next Chapter of the Bible

In the past 120 years, we have seen the miracles of the Jewish People’s return to its ancestral Homeland. During this remarkable period, one great miracle perhaps shines brighter than all the rest- Israel’s victory in the Six-Day-War. The aim of this book is to tell the story of the war of deliverance in 1967 and to emphasize the miraculous aspects of Israel’s astonishing victory.
Buy the Six-Day War Scroll- Only at Israel365! »

Lone Soldier in Israeli Army Grateful for Special Care He Receives

“Turn Thee unto me, and be gracious unto me; for I am solitary and afflicted.” (Psalms 25:16)

"We Must Act Quickly if Christianity Is to Survive in Middle East": Knights of Columbus

“He that is gracious unto the poor lendeth unto Hashem; and his good deed will He repay unto him.” Proverbs (19:17)

Eizenkot: Hezbollah Remains Israel’s
Top Priority

“Proclaim ye this among the nations prepare war; stir up the mighty men; let all the men of war draw near let them come up.” (Joel 4:9)

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Netanyahu Thanks UN Ambassador Haley for "Telling the Truth"

PM Netanyahu gives a warm greeting to US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, in Israel for a short visit, thanking her for standing up for Israel, America and what the UN is supposed to be.

I KINGS 22:2

The Hebrew word 'yarad' means “he came down.” When the Bible makes references to “going up” or “going down,” it is often spiritual, rather than physical...

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Daily Picture: To the King of Israel

Guardians of the beautiful Land of Israel. These are top combat soldiers from the Golani Brigade who protect Israel's northern border.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA