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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Israelis Supernaturally Healed by Jesus' Power - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate with Todd White CHARISMA NEWS

There is only one Healer, and healing their bodies is not His primary aim, rather using the supernatural to allow Him to heal their souls. (Pixabay)

Israelis Supernaturally Healed by Jesus' Power

6/21/2017 Ron Cantor  Messiah's Mandate  CHARISMA NEWS
Standing With Israel
Last week was an amazing week. It all started several months ago when two Israeli believers were inspired by YouTube videos of Todd White. If you have not seen Todd's testimony, he was saved out of decades of drug addiction. He now shares Yeshua with nearly everyone he meets, and there is usually a healing or word of knowledge involved.
These young men felt that if Todd could simply take God at his word, then certainly they could. They began to go out on the streets of Tel Aviv and ask people if they needed healing. Most of the people they prayed for were healed. It began to spread throughout our congregation and now much of the body of believers in Israel.
Todd White in Israel
When we heard that Todd would be in Israel, we arranged a night for him to minister to Israeli believers. GODTV, where I serve as the Israel regional director, agreed to host the event. Over 300 people came—standing room only.
On the way to the meeting, I asked Todd to lay hands on me and pray that I, too, would be able move in the supernatural as I shared Yeshua with Israelis. While I know that I can go directly to God and pray for such things, I have learned that when someone who is doing it prays for you, there is a special oomph.
Mahmoud's Knee
That was Sunday night. We stayed in Jerusalem all week in a hotel for the annual FIRM conference. On the second morning, I saw Mahmoud cleaning my room. I asked him if he needed healing. His knee was in pain. We prayed and, what do you know, this Muslim man was instantly healed! I shared with him about Yeshua. The next day, he came to the room and said to Elana, "Please thank your husband for praying for me. I have no pain in my knee. I can't believe it!"
Achmad's Back
The next day, I met Achmad. He had back pain. I have learned that most hotel workers have back pain. I prayed for him, the presence of God came and he too was healed. The smile on their faces after God healed them was amazing.
Rafa's Knee Brace
The next morning, Rafa, also a Muslim who works in the restaurant in the hotel had a knee brace on. I prayed for him, and I could feel the power of God going into him. He was instantly healed and overjoyed. The next day, he was all smiles, and we videotaped him.
Sudanese Refugee
The day before we left, I saw another worker cleaning rooms. He was a Sudanese refugee. We have many in Israel who fled the racism, rape and murder from Sudanese Arabs. He told me that on Sunday he was scheduled to see a doctor because his back was in so much pain he could not even work. We prayed, and he told me he felt something like heat and electricity going into him and was instantly healed. We taped him and saw him the next day—still healed.
Lital the Israeli Heard
Up until now, I had not prayed for an Israeli Jew in the hotel—three Muslims and one agnostic. Of course, they are all deeply precious to God, and I shared the gospel with each of them. But my passion and calling is toward Israelis. On Friday morning as we checked out, the young lady at the front desk, Lital, said to me, "I heard that you are a healer." She explained how each of these workers had all told her that they were healed after receiving prayer. I explained it was Yeshua who heals, but I can pray. She had hurt her knee that morning.
I had her sit down, and I prayed for her knee. And the precious young Israeli felt the presence of God as He healed her knee completely. When I taped her, she kept saying that I healed her, and I kept correcting her, saying that it was Yeshua. In Hebrew, Yeshua and Joshua are the same name. She didn't understand that I was not speaking of Yeshua, son of Nun, but Yeshua, Son of God. However, overjoyed by what happened, she took a copy of my book, Identity Theft, in Hebrew and promised to read it.
Your Turn
Now it is your turn to pray for them by name that God will continue to reveal Yeshua to them. For the Muslims, it is very difficult to leave Islam. It is drilled into you that you can never leave. It is hard for Jewish people as well, as we are taught that Yeshua is not the Messiah. But with Jews, we are not telling them to change religions but to embrace their Messiah.
And it is your turn to use the power that God has given you. It is time to get stirred and seek God, and then, step out in faith.
'When They Heard'
We are on the verge of something special here. I told my congregation, the week before when I was teaching, that if we continue to pray for the sick—not in the congregation but on the streets—they are going to start coming to us asking for prayer. Just like in the days of Yeshua, they heard about His miracles and sought Him out.
"and Jerusalem, and Idumea, and from beyond the Jordan. And those from Tyre and Sidon, a great crowd, when they heard what great things He did, came to Him" (Mark 3:8).
"When she had heard of Jesus, she came in the crowd behind Him and touched His garment" (Mark 5:27).
"When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out" (Mark 10:47).
And that is what happened. The Israeli girl heard how four of her team members were healed and sought me out, assuming I was some healerOf course, there is only one Healer, and healing their bodies is not His primary aim, rather using the supernatural to allow Him to heal their souls. 
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally, teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
This article originally appeared at
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA