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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Nearly 3,000 Surrender to the Holy Spirit as Greg Laurie Proclaims the Truth - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

"The response to the invitation to accept Christ tonight at #harvestamerica was nothing short of mind-blowing.I will you give you specifics when I learn more."
"The response to the invitation to accept Christ tonight at #harvestamerica was nothing short of mind-blowing.I will you give you specifics when I learn more." (Greg Laurie/Facebook)

Nearly 3,000 Surrender to the Holy Spirit as Greg Laurie Proclaims the Truth

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Nearly 3,000 attendees accepted Christ at Greg Laurie's Harvest Crusade Sunday night. But that number could be vastly short of the real salvation tally, as the event was broadcast across the world via TBN.
"The clock is ticking, and before you know it, life could end," Laurie warned thousands gathered in the University of Phoenix stadium. "How do you know you're going to live to be an old man or an old woman? ... It's not guaranteed," Laurie told the 38,000 gathered and millions more who tuned in to the live broadcast from TBN and Facebook live.
"There's an afterlife, and according to the Bible, there's two options: heaven or hell," he continued. "Smoking or non-smoking, if you will. Know this: The last thing that God wants is for any man or woman, created in His image to spend eternity in hell. Hell wasn't made for people; hell was made for the devil and his angels.
"You can be a good person and go to hell and you can be a bad person and go to heaven. Heaven isn't for good people. Heaven is for forgiven people.
"Come with your sins, come with your problems, come with your questions, come as you are. He will forgive you, He will accept you, and He will change you. Just admit you need God, say you're a can come back to the Lord," Laurie continued, according to The Gospel Herald.
His message resonated.
"Thank you Pastor Greg for an amazing night," one person posted to Facebook. "I still can't stop crying after seeing all those people come forward. Thank you for caring, thank you for sharing Gods word and all you do."
Another person writes: "Great message last night and a blessing to see all who now have hope and gave their life to Christ. Thank you pastor GREG."
Says another: "YES! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! I watched Harvest on TBN last night. Such a blessing to see so many people come forward! Loved your prodigal son sermon too! Keep shining for Jesus, Pastor Greg. You're [sic] testimony and walk with the Lord has encouraged me tremendously throughout my 20 years of being saved!!! Thank you for your faithfulness in spreading the gospel!!!" 

Jessilyn Justice is the director of online news for Charisma. Born and raised in a pastor's family in Alabama, she went to Lee University and the Washington Journalism Center. She's passionate sharing God's goodness through storytelling. Tell her what you think of this story on Twitter @jessilynjustice.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA