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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Shalom Today Ministry organized Pentecost / Shavuot – (the Feast of Weeks) meeting in Younsei Baptist Church, Youahanabad, Lahore (Pakistan)

Moses Julius  Pentecost - Shavout - 
Feast of Weeks meeting 
June 10, 2017

On 3-06-2017 Shalom Today Ministry organized Pentecost/ Shavuot – (the feast of weeks) meeting in Younsei Baptist Church Youahanabad Lahore. Every year we celebrated seven feasts of YHWH which are written in the Scripture. Most of the time people misunderstood about His feasts (Appointed time).
This year when we celebrated the feast of Pentecost and we invited 100 people to come and join us and we clearly asked them, “These are not Jewish feasts, Its Biblical feasts”. Brother Tanveer Shahid shared the word of God on the topic “What’s different between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what’s fruits of the Holy Spirit” on the first session.
After his teaching Mr. Moses Julius chairman of Shalom Today Ministry shared the word of God on the topic “ The giving of the Laws and The giving of the Holy Spirit” on Pentecost / Shavout – (the feast of weeks). People really enjoyed the teaching and worship. During the meeting Holy Spirit touch many people and they were started crying and confess from their Sin’s and committed to walk in His ways.
Shalom Today Ministry is thankful to Evangelist Nadeem Gafoor, Brother Sabir, Sister Ruby Khokhar, Brother Wilson Jan and his prayer team those were standing with us in prayers and moral support. 

At the end of the meeting we distributed food among all the participants. If God put burden in your heart to Promote the true teaching of the Bible then Join hands with us.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA