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Friday, June 2, 2017

This Major General Just Gave The Most Incredible Testimony Of God's Healing Power - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Major General Daniel York is a remarkable man. Not only is he a decorated serviceman, but he loves Jesus with all his heart. York curre...
Surviving Coptic Passengers: 'We Began To "Pray For Christ" As ISIS Opened Fire'
The surviving Coptic Christians on that fateful bus on the way to a monastery in the Minya region of Egypt have spoken out about...
Trump Says Embassy Move To Jerusalem WILL Happen, But Just Not Right Now 
The President has reaffirmed his commitment to moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jersualem, Israel. However, it won'...
Here's Why Christians Should Be PRAYING For 'Trump Beheader' Kathy Griffin 
Kathy Griffin must have known she was going to receive a huge amount of outrage and anger after taking pictures of herself holding a se...
Guitar Hero Carlos Santana Reveals How His Christian Faith Saved Him From Suicide 
If you are even remotely interested in guitar, you will have heard of Carlos Santana. He is one of the most recognizable guitarists on the...
Katy Perry's Mom Reveals How Jesus Helped Her Cope With Her Rebellious Daughter 
The mother of superstar singer Katy Perry, Mary Hudson, is a minister's wife and preacher, and has come under scrutiny after her da...
Evangelical Pastor In Court On Child Molestation Charges, Church 'Utterly Heartbroken' 
An evangelical pastor from California will appear in court today on charges of child molestation. Matthew Tague was arrested W...
Pregnant Teen Who 'Chose Life': "We Shouldn't Be Hidden Away In Shame" 
The teen who was banned from attending her own graduation ceremony due to her becoming pregnant has spoken out about her ordea...
Top Ten Ways Churches Drive Away First - Time Guests 
If you attend a church regularly, you’ve probably noticed the phenomenon. A guest shows up for a worship service, but he or sh...
Supreme Court May Take Controversial Gay Wedding Cake Case 
The Supreme Court is currently deliberating on whether it should take a case involving a man from Colorado who is refusing to bake a ca...
Are These New 'Fidget Spinner' Kids Toys Actually Satanic? 
If you have young kids, you may well have had to shell out a few bucks for a 'fidget spinner' - the spinning toy that is taking the world...
Kidnapped Priest Pleads With Filipino President As ISIS Hold 240 Civilians Captive 
A priest who has been kidnapped by ISIS militants in the war-torn southern Filipino city of Marawi has pleaded with the President to with...
Pat Robertson's Son Believes That End Times Prophecy About Israel Is Being Fulfilled 
Gordon Robertson, the president of CBN and son of founder Pat Robertson, has released the new docu-drama "In Our Hands," which a...
3 Things Christians Do That Non-Christians Really Hate 
When you take a quick opinion poll from non-Christians on Christian behavior, the results are often not particularly positive. This is really s...
"Bible-Believing" Christians Should Be Compelled To Speak Out Against Payday Lenders 
Payday lenders, or loansharks, are wreaking personal financial havoc on many. With the promise of quick money to cover your bills, you s...
7 Things The Church Loves More Than God 
Love God with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire Law and the words of the prophets hinge on these two comm...
Chinese Christian Lawyer Reveals The Brutal Torture He Endured In Prison 
Chinese Christian lawyer Li Heping has spoken out about the horrendous abuse he faced whilst behind bars. Li and other human righ...
3 Things Every Wife Should Do To Help Their Husbands Grow In Faith 
Marriage should be an environment in which growth is actively encouraged. This is so vital in terms of spiritual health. Wives should seek to...
Why Are Church Leaders Such Poor Managers? 
You would think that we as church leaders would be exceptional at managing people… we’re in the people business of sorts. O...


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA