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Thursday, June 15, 2017

VIDEO: Jerusalem's Watchmen on the Walls - ISRAEL TODAY

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 VIDEO: Thank You to Jerusalem's Watchmen on the Walls
VIDEO: Thank You to Jerusalem's Watchmen on the Walls
Jerusalem has remained united for 50 years in no small part thanks to the vigilance of the Israel Police
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 Does Israel Have the World's Most Beautiful Coastline?
Does Israel Have the World's Most Beautiful Coastline?
Join us for a stunning aerial tour of the idyllic northern Israel coastal town of Nahariya
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 Israeli Nationalists Thank Muslim Leader For His Friendship
Israeli Nationalists Thank Muslim Leader For His Friendship
Leading Turkish Muslim intellectual says Holy Land belongs to Jews, who need to pray for Messiah's coming
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 Treat Your Feet This Summer!
Treat Your Feet This Summer!
Keep your feet cool and comfortable with our authentic, biblical-style sandals this summer.
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Is Jerusalem Really All That Important?
Palestinian Distortions
Jerusalem Below
Where Jews Dare Not Pray
David’s Purchase for 50 Silver Shekels
'Jerusalem of Gold' with Shuli Nathan
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Israel Today
1 Shmuel Hanagid St. P.O. Box 7555 Jerusalem 9107401, Israel

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA