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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Why It's Important to Take Our Kids Out of Public School - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Public schools are becoming perilous for students with a Christian worldview. (Getty Images )

Why It's Important to Take Our Kids Out of Public School

When I grew up, homeschooling was almost unheard of. At first it was controversial; now it's becoming more mainstream. The state of Florida, where I live, actually encourages parents to homeschool and provides all kinds of taxpayer-funded resources to help.
As our culture is becoming increasingly secular and as prayer has been taken out of public school and so on, public schools have changed from being fairly neutral to Christianity (as they were when I attended) to being downright hostile. Not only is the worldview definitely not Christian, but in many places, public educators are actually pushing the gay agenda. What's a Christian parent to do?
E. Ray Moore of Columbia, South Carolina, has the answer. Since the early 1980s, he's been leading the Exodus Mandate, calling on parents to make an exodus from what he calls the "government school." He encourages parents either to put their kids in private Christian school or to homeschool them.
This call is beginning to attract attention. Recently, Dr. James Dobson interviewed Moore on his "Family Talk" radio program, which gave Moore's ministry a huge amount of credibility. It's a very interesting interview that you can listen to here.
This week, I caught up with Moore, whom I originally got to know through the Trump for President campaign, to talk to him about his interview with Dr. Dobson and why he believes it is so important to educate our children with Christian values. That's an extremely difficult proposition for parents of children in public schools, which pull their kids in the opposite direction.
Below, you can click on our podcast and listen to us discuss our own experiences. We also explore today's trends in public education as well as those of private Christian schools and homeschools.
I applaud Ray Moore for the leadership he is giving. I urge you to get involved and to check his website at
Do you agree with him? Please leave your comments and share this with friends whom you believe would be interested. 

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA