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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Covenant Worship Changes the Atmosphere - Paul Wilbur Ministries


There are a few times in my life that I would say God tangibly told me to do something, and one of these moments involved July’s First Friday service. Usually, because of July 4th, we cancel our event because it is the lowest attended. But this year I felt a deep sense that the service should continue as planned and I should lead it.

My dad was surprised at my enthusiasm to take the reins, and said, “Do it!”  Right after that discussion, my dad received a request to minister in Ecuador.

For the first time ever, Paul Wilbur Ministries ministered on two different continents on the same night (7/07/17).

That date will forever be etched in my memory, much like when I was married, my son’s birth, and when my son was dedicated to the Lord.

Two key themes, worship and covenant, were heavy on my heart for July’s First Friday service. I began intensely praying, reading scripture, and seeing a pattern forming in what God wanted to be shared. My dad told me that he was wanting to start a series entitled “Foundations,” and everything the Lord was giving me appeared to not only fit that focus, but lay a solid beginning point. 

Worship is choosing to give over your will to the will of the FatherI believe this is what Yeshua spoke of in John 4:24 to the Samaritan woman at the well. It’s the giving over of your desires, dreams, and will to the one who created all. It’s not that it is a have-to lifestyle, but a get-to life.

Since He has given us free will, if we give worship and obedience back to Him, there is so much more we can do for the Kingdom out of a covenantal relationship.

Before I get caught up teaching my message again, you can go and see the entire service on Paul Wilbur Ministries YouTube channel.

That First Friday evening brought many breakthroughs to people with answers they had been praying about. I think the number one thing any minister should ask when preparing for a message is, “What can I share with people to encourage them and enable them to bring His love to those outside the building?” 

I think most messages today have to do more with bringing hope, but not activating believers to go and do good works. How else can the world know we have been sent to them? Yeshua was the ultimate teacher of this principle when He would serve his disciples and instruct them to do the same for each other.

I encourage you to share the love of Messiah out in public, which doesn’t necessarily mean you must be an evangelist preaching on a street corner. Sometimes it might be to show the love of Yeshua when someone has given you an opportunity to retaliate against them for their wrong doing.

Remember a soft answer turns away wrath, and in a world spinning fast in chaos, it’s time for the Church to stand up as His light.

Again, to keep up with our First Friday services and other events, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Nathan Wilbur

July 27: Jerusalem, Israel

July 28-30: Worship and Teaching
Wayne, New Jersey

August 4: First Friday 
Jacksonville, FL 

For more information on events, please visit our website.

7643 Gate Parkway Ste 104-80
Jacksonville, FL 32256


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA