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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Grand Canyon May Prove Noah’s Flood Happened 6,000 Years Ago and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

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July 19, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Grand Canyon Experiments Could Prove Noah’s Flood Happened 6,000 Years Ago

Temple Mount Closed to Jews After Visitors "Violate" Rule Against Non-Muslim Prayer

“Your gates shall always stay open— Day and night they shall never be shut…” (Isaiah 60:11)

Experience the Healing Powers of the Dead Sea

The black mud of the Dead Sea will leave your skin and body as white as snow, like the ancient verses state. Today, Israeli experts are reviving ways to use the natural resources of the Land of Israel for health and beauty.
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Palestinian "Day of Rage" Called for Wednesday to Protest Temple Mount Security

“Hashem seeks out the righteous man, but loathes the wicked one who loves injustice.” (Psalms 11:5)

Following Greek Church's Sale of Roman Amphitheater, Jerusalem Neighborhoods, Tel Aviv Landmark Sold

“They covet fields, and seize them; Houses, and take them away. They defraud men of their homes, And people of their land.” (Micah 2:2)

Hungarian Prime Minister Acknowledges ‘Sin’ of WWII in Meeting With Netanyahu

“He who covers up his faults will not succeed; He who confesses and gives them up will find mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)

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Clashes Near Temple Mount as Palestinians Riot

Palestinian protesters against new security measures at the Temple Mount clashed with IDF forces last night, pelting them with bottles and stones. The IDF responded with crowd dispersal methods.


The book of Leviticus contains the list of curses that will be brought upon the People of Israel if they fail to follow the commandments of God. God promises to exile the people from the Promised Land, and to destroy the land itself, if His children’s sins become too great...

Daily Picture: And I Will Remember the Land

On the winding roads by the hills of central Israel, Elad Matityahu captured this gorgeous sunset.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA