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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Was Solomon a Republican? News Magazine Attacks Rubio's Bible Tweets - CBN News Mark Martin, Abigail Robertson

Marco Rubio
Was Solomon a Republican? News Magazine Attacks Rubio's 
Bible Tweets

07-11-2017 CBN News Mark Martin,
Senator Marco Rubio likes to tweet Bible verses almost every day, but one news organization is accusing him of playing politics with the Holy Scriptures.
 A recent article in Politico Magazine says Rubio is "tweeting the most Republican part of the Bible" -- Proverbs.
"Some of the statements in Proverbs look strikingly similar to those made by modern-day conservative policymakers," Joel S. Baden wrote for the magazine.
Baden goes on to write that Proverbs "generally deals with questions of how to live a righteous life."
"For example: Just this past July 5, Rubio tweeted, 'They will die from lack of discipline, lost because of their great folly. Proverbs 5:23,'" Baden continued.
In response, the Florida senator tweeted, "Proverbs is the Republican part of the Bible?I don't think Solomon had yet joined the GOP when he wrote the first 29 chapters of Proverbs."
Evangelist Franklin Graham came to the defense of Rubio, writing on Facebook, "God's Word is filled with wisdom — and it's neither Republican nor Democrat." 
CBN Chaplain Joel Palser agrees with Graham's statement about God's Word.
"Probably the greatest theologian of the 20th century -- he's been called that -- Karl Barth... said it was timeless truth, and so the idea that it would somehow be owned by one party or another was ludicrous," he told CBN News.
"This is ageless, timeless -- applicable to every culture and time," Palser continued. 
Rubio has received criticism of his biblical tweets in the past. For example, Leah McElrath, writer for liberal website Shareblue, called the tweets "unsettling," to which The Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin responded, "Either he was hacked or he's totally lost it." 
Esquire politics blogger Charles Pierce called the tweets "oddly terrifying." 
Many on Twitter, however, have come to Sen. Rubio's defense, saying they appreciate the Bible verses that have thousands of likes and retweets.
When asked on "Fox & Friends" what he thinks of some of the negative responses his tweets received, Rubio replied, "If people don't like the Bible and they don't like the Gospel, they don't have to follow me on Twitter I suppose."
The Florida lawmaker says he tries to read the Bible every day, and he will continue to post Scriptural tweets, "especially if there's something in there that I think just spoke to me, and I want to share with people on Twitter."
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA