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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Historic Record Confirms These 53 Biblical Figures Once Walked the Earth and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

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Aug. 7, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Study Confirming Existence of 53 Scriptural Figures Reflects Growing Academic Trend That Bible Is True

23-Year-Old Jewish "Giant" Proudly Displays Hebrew Heritage on Football Field

“Seek the favor of Hashem, and He will grant you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:5)

The Jewish New Year is Around the Corner

Mentioned throughout Jewish sources, the sound of the shofar was used at various times, including at the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Today, the shofar is used on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, when that same sound has the unique power to awaken our souls to the presence of its Infinite source, and to renew a vision of the spiritual connection we are meant to build in this world.
Order Your Shofar Now! »

Academy Award-Winning Actress Visits IDF Special Unit

“You shall not insult the deaf, or place a stumbling block before the blind. You shall fear your God: I am Hashem.” (Leviticus 19:14)

PA Hysterical Over Possibility of Israeli Seat at UN Security Council

“Justice done is a joy to the righteous, To evildoers, ruination.” (Proverbs 21:15)

In First, Israel Snatches Citizenship From Arab Terrorist

“Let anyone who does not obey the law of your God and the law of the king be punished with dispatch, whether by death, corporal punishment, confiscation of possessions, or imprisonment.” (Ezra 7:26)

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Dr. Martin Sherman: Can Jared Kushner Really Make Peace?

Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder and Executive Director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, on whether Trump advisor Jared Kushner is fit to lead Mid-East peace negotiations – and if peace is even possible at all.


Isaac is warned that despite the famine in the Land of Israel, he is not to escape the tough economic times by going down to Egypt...

Daily Picture: Sojourn In This Land

Photographer Zev Rothkoff captured a gorgeous summer day in Mount Hermon in Northern Israel.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA