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Monday, August 21, 2017

"I cannot pray to the God of Islam anymore - I've been born again!" - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

The gospel message is now reaching thousands in Gaza, and many are hearing the truth about the Messiah. Some are responding with great interest, and so far, we have seen three people come to faith. Their stories are remarkable, testifying to their great courage, the power of the gospel and the redeeming power of our merciful God.

A man called Jihad started to correspond with one of our staff members here at ONE FOR ISRAEL (Carlos), after watching some of his evangelistic videos in Arabic. 

Jihad quickly came to put his faith in Yeshua, and was born again in a powerful and meaningful way. His thirst for the truth and the scriptures seems to be insatiable, and since he knows a lot about Islamic writings and Sharia, he has already got to work, noting all the contradictions and lies that are leading so many astray. He longs to help as many as possible find the truth that has set him free.

He lost his job recently, and had to move his family to a poorer area within Gaza where the control over the people is even more extreme. Every Friday morning, people bang on the doors at 5:00 am to wake everyone up, and insist that the men of the house attend the mosque. They are effectively goose-marched to the mosque, and forced into the building. Jihad told Carlos, 

"I was forced into the mosque, but I cannot pray to the God of Islam anymore, so I just go in the front door, leave by the back door, and go home again!" 

Of course, if he was found to be avoiding worshiping in the mosque, he could be killed. But Jihad says now that he has been born again, he simply cannot do it. 

Jihad's wife is also opening up more and more to the gospel, and another man who is a singer has come to faith in the last month or so. Like Jihad, he is also eager to start serving God in the best way that he can, and is now wanting to record worship songs to Yeshua in Arabic. 

Praise God for these people, and others, who are coming into the kingdom at this time in Gaza! Their courage is truly inspiring, but as they told Carlos, they used to be willing to die for their Muslim faith, so now that they have found the truth, they are all the more ready to lay down their lives for the One True God who loves them and saved them through Yeshua the Messiah.

Solar Eclipse - A Sign And A Wonder

It seems a truly remarkable "coincidence" that despite the sun being 400 times larger than the moon, they appear to be EXACTLY the same size from this planet - but only from this planet, rather interestingly. Almost as if it was designed that way, as a phenomenon to be seen and enjoyed from earth. And that is because it was designed by God for our benefit, not only for our sense of wonderment, but also as a sign. A clue about this is found in some words appearing in the first chapter of Genesis. Continue reading...

Turning Up Treasures In The Disciples' Hometown, Bethsaida
As odd as it might seem, archaeologists have not been able to positively identify Bethsaida, home to Yeshua's disciples, Peter, Andrew and Philip, until just now! There have been educated guesses about the location but nothing that fitted the biblical description of a sizable and important city. It's been a bit of a mystery. However, new excavations at the site of el Araj seem to be revealing the remains of a significant metropolis, which Bethsaida once had been. Continue reading...

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ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA