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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Kim Clement Prophesy: France Will Rise Up -THE ELIJAH LIST

Aug. 8, 2017
Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...
This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:
1. Kim Clement Prophesy: France Will Rise Up to Destroy the 'Beast of the East'
2. Kris Vallotton: God Wants to Heal People Tri-Dimensionally
3. Brenda Kunneman: It's Time to Stretch Your Eyes to See
4. Cindy Jacobs: It's Time to Stand
5. Joyce Meyer: This is the devil's Favorite Way to Deceive Us
6. Patricia King: What is Holding Back Revival
7. Bobby Conner: Soul Winning
Did you know we rely on your generous financial gifts to help us provide these videos to you?
MANY man hours go into researching the very best of the best videos each week.
Note from Steve and Derene Shultz: We strongly depend on your generous donations to keep these Prophetic TV programs coming to you. Lots of work goes into them. Thank you in advance! You may donate at this link right now:
God LOVES your giving heart! And so do we!
Thank you for understanding that we are only able to keep fresh videos coming to you by your generous donations
Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

"France Will Rise Up to Destroy the 'Beast of the East'"
In a 2010 prophecy posted to YouTube this week, the deceased Kim Clement prophesied war in Europe, particularly in France.

"A war will take place. It shall be short-lived because, as France destroyed the power of invasion of the Middle East during the 17th century, so shall they rise up and destroy the invading forces of the beast of the east," Clement says.
By Kim Clement... Watch It Now
Visit Kim Clement's Facebook page: HERE
"God Wants to Heal People Tri-Dimensionally"
He wants them to be whole in their spirit, whole in their soul, and whole in their body... if you won't love you, you won't love anyone else.

Check out this video for more!
By Kris Vallotton... Watch It Now
Visit Kris Vallotton's Facebook page: HERE
"It's Time to Stretch Your Eyes to See"
My angels are working on your behalf...

What do your eyes see and where can you stretch your faith for this is the season of blessing for the people of God. It is the season of healing and the season of deliverance. So, what do you see and how will you stretch your faith?
By Brenda Kunneman... Watch It Now
Visit Hank & Brenda Kunneman's Facebook page: HERE

"It's Time to Stand"
"Understand this. I'm calling you to go up higher. I'm calling you to learn to take your authority for I have given you more authority."

"You do not even begin to understand the authority I've given you."
By Cindy Jacobs... Watch It Now
Visit Cindy Jacobs' Facebook page: HERE
"This is the devil's Favorite Way to Deceive Us"
For years, Joyce Meyer went to church and never heard a message about satan. She's making sure you don't go through the same thing with this sermon about our spiritual adversary.

Learn how to fight your true enemy effectively.
By Joyce Meyer... Watch It Now
Visit Joyce Meyer's Facebook page: HERE
"What is Holding Back Revival?"
He's opening the atmosphere for His presence... this is the day for My saints to arise.

"These are four accurate prophetic voices and you're going to be blown away by what they have to share." — Patricia King
By Patricia King... Watch It Now
Visit Patricia King's Facebook page: HERE
"Soul Winning"
"...But the righteous are as bold as a lion." — Proverbs 28:1

We need to love people enough to tell them about eternity... you and I have the message of life, you and I have the light of the world dwelling inside us and we need to be lights in this world.
By Bobby Conner... Watch It Now
Visit Bobby Conner's Facebook page: HERE
Thank you for your donation today to help keep Elijah List Ministries/Prophetic.TV ON THE AIR

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 Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries



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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA