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Monday, August 14, 2017

Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

MK Yehudah Glick Sets Up Camp in Front of Temple Mount
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Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America: Rabbi

Yehudah Glick Sets Up Temple Mount Office in Protest of “Absurd” MK Ban [INTERVIEW]

“In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem’s House shall stand Firm above the mountains; And it shall tower above the hills. The peoples shall gaze on it with joy.” (Micah 4:1)

Terrorists Increasingly Using Drones to Watch and Attack Israel

“Hashem will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single road, but flee from you by many roads.” (Deuteronomy 28:7)

"Fear Not"- The most commonly used phrase in the Bible

The words "fear not" appear 80 times in the Torah. This is more than any other phrase in the BIble. God says these words to all three patriarchs; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as to all of the prophets. God also instructs the prophets to relay this message to the Jewish People. By repeating this phrase over and over, God is telling us that we have the power and the capacity to overcome any challenges which we may face in life.
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More Than Half of Israel’s Tourists in 2016 Were Christian, Data Shows

“Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land.” (Ezekiel 37:21)

Former British PM Tony Blair Received Millions in 'Advisor' Fees From United Arab Emirates: Report

“Do not take bribes, for bribes blind the clear-sighted and upset the pleas of those who are in the right.” (Exodus 23:8)

Trump Envoys Kushner, Greenblatt Return to Region for One More Peace Push

“Thus He will judge among the nations And arbitrate for the many peoples.” (Isaiah 2:4)

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"95% of Arab-Israelis Are Loyal Citizens": Former Head of IAF Intelligence

How is Israel combating widespread support for terror in Arab-Israeli communities? Brig. Gen. (res) Ram Shmueli, the former head of the Israeli Air Force Intelligence, explains that the realities are not what they seem.


As he often does, Isaiah delivers severe rebuke followed by comfort and consolation. He tells the people that God has not cast Israel off...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA