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Monday, August 28, 2017

Prophetic Word to Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu - youngest person to ever be elected as Prime Minister of Israel.

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu was the youngest person to ever be elected as Prime Minister of Israel. During his first term as Prime Minister in the late 1990s a Christian African minister named Robert Mawire received a word from God that he must speak to the leader of Israel.

Robert came to Dallas Texas to meet the man who would introduce him to Netanyahu. Benjamin agreed to give him a minute to give his word while jokingly telling Robert to “remember what we do to prophets who say things that don’t come true”. Of course, he was referring to Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
Robert’s first prophetic word to Netanyahu.

Undeterred, Robert turns to Netanyahu and tells him “I have placed you in this position, says the Lord. Do not give up my land. If you do give up my land, I will remove you from this position”.
Benjamin kind of laughed and didn’t take it seriously. One of the people who was there to witness the warning was Ariel Sharon, a man who would later become Prime Minister and give up land for peace that never came. Ariel had a stroke, that put him in a comma for eight years and then he died.
"I have placed you in this position, says the Lord. Do not give up My land."
After the prophecy was given, then President Bill Clinton pressured Netanyahu to give up some of the land to PLO leader, Yasser Arafat. Not long after that, Benjamin’s government collapsed and he was removed from power.

A number of years later, then ex-Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Florida at a gathering in support of Israel. The same African minister says “I have another word. I have to speak to him again” and he gets access to Netanyahu again. This time, Netanyahu remembers Robert and takes him seriously.
Robert’s second prophetic word to Netanyahu.

Robert says to Netanyahu, “You will once again become Prime Minister of Israel. If you honor His covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, regarding Israel, He will honor you and exalt you. But if you disregard His covenant and give away His land, He will dishonor you. Be strong and of good courage, for unto this people you shall divide an inheritance, the land that I swore to their fathers that I would give them. Do not ever negotiate land for peace… God is not done with you. You will be Prime Minister again in a critical time of history.”

Now about this time, Barak Obama became president of the United States and Benjamin Netanyahu became Prime minister of Israel again, according to the prophecy. The Obama administration had pressured Benjamin to give up land, and even tried to get him removed from power. For a time, it looked like Netanyahu would be removed from office but, almost miraculously, Netanyahu was re-elected. Not only that but he’s about to become the longest serving Prime minister in the history of Israel.

But something else was said to Netanyahu in that prophecy, which was this, “You will be the Prime minister for the restoration of the tabernacle of David.”

The tabernacle can signify any of the following:
The kingdom of Israel
The throne of David
The church of God
The temple of Jerusalem
"You will be the Prime minister for the restoration of the tabernacle of David."
What does this prophecy mean?

A while later, Robert saw Netanyahu again and Netanyahu pulled out a picture, held it up and said “This is what it’s all about”.

What was the picture? It was a picture of the future temple of Jerusalem.
Friends, in this prophetic period of history, we need to be watchful for the signs of the end times. We can’t ignore what’s happening in the world. And for our sake, we need to support Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). 

While you’re at it, pray for Benjamin Netanyahu that he will never again give up God’s land.

God blesses those who bless Israel,

Moses Julius

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Moses Julius Yes Advocate shaib 
It's very interesting information

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Victor Amanat Advo HallelYah

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Missiah Mussa Gill HallelYah

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA