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Monday, August 7, 2017

The Appeal of the Hebrew Accent ✡ "Who Turned The Rock Into A Pool Of Water" - Israel365

Who turned the rock into a pool of water,
the flinty rock into a fountain.

הַהֹפְכִי הַצּוּר אֲגַם־מָיִם חַלָּמִישׁ לְמַעְיְנוֹ־מָיִם

תהילים קיד:ח
ha-ho-f’-KHEE ha-TZUR a-gam MA-yim kha-la-MEESH l’-ma-y’-no MA-yim

Today's Israel Inspiration

This verse describes the great strength of Hashem, Who can produce water from a rock. The Hebrew word for ‘the rock,’ ha-tzur (הצור), alludes to something that is unmoving or stubborn. Yet if read backwards, the word becomes rotzeh (רוצה) which means ‘want’ or ‘willing.’ Just as a rock can be turned into water, so too, obstinacy can be turned into willingness. And no matter how far a person is from God, he or she can always come closer. Additionally, Tzur is one of the Bible’s names for the Almighty Himself. God’s protection and kindness are as solid and unchanging as a rock.

Come Explore the Biblical Land of Israel!

Develop a firm understanding of the geographical regions that make up the Land of Israel and the unique characteristics of each one and get a new perspective on many Biblical stories.

Men Love the Israeli Accent

A recent survey by online dating site MissTravel found that American men were most attracted to women who spoke English with an Israeli accent.

Why Do YOU Need A Hebrew Calendar?

The Hebrew calendar determines on which day each Jewish holiday will occur. Each particular holiday brings with it a concrete spiritual reality from above that is available for us to tap into on that specific day. Passover, for instance, contains the opportunity to attain spiritual freedom; Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) is the time for judgment. With our beautiful new Hebrew calendar, you can keep track of exactly where we are in the Jewish year!
Order Your Calendar Now! »

“And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3


Today's Israel Photo

Photograph of David’s Waterfall at Ein Gedi by Ilan Rosen.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Mario A. from Philippines; Andrew E. from the UK; Michael M. from Florida; Yudith Y. from Florida.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Devon L. from Kentucky; Donna W. from Tennessee; Bud E. from Florida; Korby L. from Canada.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA