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Monday, September 18, 2017

Christian Apologist Nabeel Qureshi Dies Aged 34 -


Christian apologist and author Nabeel Qureshi has died after a year-long battle with cancer. Nabeel was 34 years old and leaves behind his...
Does The Bible Really Point To The World Ending on September 23
Quite a stir has been caused surrounding the date of September 23, which is this coming Saturday. Many believe that the scriptures att...
US Air Force Chaplain: Christians Who Tolerate Other Religions 'Serve Satan' 
A US Air Force chaplain has asserted his belief that Christians in the armed forces who tolerate people of other religions "serv...
Ravi Zacharias Writes Heartbreaking Tribute To Nabeel Qureshi: "See You Soon" 
Apologist, author and preacher Ravi Zacharias has penned a moving tribute to his friend and mentee, Nabeel Qureshi, who died at the w...
Missionary Explains Why He Believes The Lord Spared Antigua From Hurricane Irma
You may have seen the devastating damage caused by Hurricane Irma on several Carribean islands. Experts believe that around 90%...
Faith-Filled Teen Launches Ministry To Reach His Generation For Christ 
Jordan Whitmer is no ordinary teen. He has a passion for Jesus that leads him to action. Now, Jordan is taking inspiration from famed ev...
Wife Passes Away 2 Months After Preacher Husband Frank Summerfield 
The wife of megachurch pastor Frank Summerfield has passed away just two months after the preacher succumbed to an unspecified illnes...
ISIS Calls For 'Lone-Wolf' Attacks On Packed Hurricane Storm Shelters 
The Islamic State has called on its fanatics to launch lone-wolf attacks on the packed Hurricane shelters across Florida and Texas. Shelter...
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez: Latino Church Will 'Save American Christianity' 
One of President Trump's key evangelical advisors, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, has declared his belief that the Latino Church will save Americ...
Are the Extreme Weather Events of the Last Month Prophetic? 
The last month has seen extreme weather events across the globe, from earthquakes to record flooding to raging wildfires. This much e...
5 Things Most Christians Say (But Shouldn’t) 
Every culture has jargon, common words and phrases that mean something to those in the group. I’m not against these phrases....
Wisconsin Church Sprayed With Anti-Christian, Sexually Explicit LGBT Graffiti 
A Wisconsin Church has been vandalized with graffiti, exclaiming sexually explicit, pro-LGBT messages during a gay pride event last weekend...
Christians, Muslims Protest Against Myanmar's 'Ethnic Cleansing' 
A colossal human rights violation is taking place in Myanmar, formerly know as 'Burma.' Muslims across the nation are being wiped out by...
Why The Lord Is So Rough With Some Of His Best People 
“O you of little faith!  Why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31). The teacher is hardest on the best pupils. The Master...
Franklin Graham Praises Tim Tebow For His 'Outspoken Faith In Jesus Christ' 
Rev Franklin Graham has praised formed NFL star Tim Tebow for his 'outspoken faith in Jesus Christ' and his continued relief work in the...
Kris Vallotton: Why You Should Laugh Yourself Silly Today 
SERIOUS JOY Christians should be the happiest people on the planet! Think about it—Jesus prayed, “I come to You [Father...
Hillsong United Lead Incredible Worship Session At Tennessee Prison 
Hillsong United headed to Tennessee State Penitentiary recently to lead a very special service of worship. Bringing light and hope to a plac...
Ten Biblical Truths A Lot Of God’s People Don’t Really Believe 
From the beginning, the Lord’s people talk a better game than we live. So many biblical truths look good on paper and sound gre...
What Does The Bible Say About Reincarnation? 
I recently received an email that asked me a question about reincarnation. More specifically, the question centered around Melchizedek an...
China Doubles Down on Restrictions for Christians 
Though it was already in decided opposition to the Christian faith, the government in China has doubled down on its restrictions for Christ...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA