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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Who Is This One? The Holy Spirit - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Who Is This One?
- The Holy Spirit

Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, NKJV)

The Holy Trinity – God the Father (Abba), Jesus Christ the Son (Yeshua HaMashiach), and Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) – all reign on high together. They are the Three in One as the Eternal Godhead, each purposing together to fulfill the plans They laid out since before the foundations of the earth, before the beginning of time. Together they always were and always shall be.

Do you know the Holy Spirit? Has He been a vital part in your believing walk? He wants you to know Him, for He is the Comforter, the Helper, the One whom Yeshua (Jesus) sent after His ascension into heaven, as He promised He would come.
"These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.  But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.  

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  

You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away and coming back to you.' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for My Father is greater than I.” (John 14:25-28, NKJV)

For a long time Christians spoke of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost, as translated in the King James version of the Bible. To me, that seemed to give Him an eerie, far-off image of one who was spooky and somewhat aloof. Our concept of this One, the third person of the Holy Trinity, was as an after thought. “And oh yes, the one who we don’t really know much about. Thus we will focus on God the Father and Jesus the Son.”

We need to understand that this One, Whom so desires to be very close to us, wanting us to be intimately familiar with Him, has been given to us for our daily walk. He has been sent from heaven to lead us, direct our steps, and comfort us along the path.

He is not some ghostly image flying about the sky doing weird things. He is God Himself, coming to us in all power and in full measure of the Father and the Son.

Often associated with the acts of the Holy Spirit are the resulting acts of those whom He has touched, often in a very emotional, sensational way. So what else would you expect when the God of the Universe comes and touches the lives of those who have sought God, who walk around on this earth? What else should we experience when the most powerful One chooses to reveal and manifest Himself to mankind, specifically you and I, and those who ask Him to do so?

What we see, feel and hear, as a result of His coming in those moments, in time and space, is demonstrated in our physical bodies because of the presence of the Eternal, Spiritual One responding to our need for Him in a very real way. If what we experience wasn’t supernatural, then He wouldn’t be Supernatural.

The world is seeking the supernatural. It is very obvious in our movies, books, websites, and media of all kinds as to what people are seeking after. They know there is spiritual activity going on around this planet. But what they seek needs to be the Creator, not the evil created one.

In my senior year of Columbus High School, a Catholic parochial school in 1973, in Waterloo, Iowa, the Holy Spirit came to me when a few of my classmates asked Him to come and fill me with His presence. I wanted more than what the natural life was giving me. Having seen His work in their lives, I certainly knew there was more for this one, and He delivered!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit isn’t something to write-off as for “only back then and never again.” When He comes and fills you with His very presence, in your spirit, soul, and body, there will be a reaction. There will be a manifestation. There we will a newness, freshness, most powerful demonstration of God that just inhabited you in your very being, down to the very core of your inner man. This is nothing to be feared or stay away from. He is meant to be Who He is, and will show Himself to you in a way you have never experienced before. That is Who He is.

The gifts that Holy Spirit gives us, very supernatural in power and energy, are most needed in our times, these end of days. They are not an option. We must confront the powers of darkness arrayed against the Body of Christ specifically, and mankind in general, with them. Speaking in tongues, the gift of healing and miracles, discernment of spirits, prophetic declarations...these are necessary weapons we need to use. The devil fights with his arsenal. Believers better be equipped and trained in the gifts that the God of the Universe has for us, through His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is very real. He is fully alive. He has chosen to be with those who have sought His gifts, His power, His promised fulfillment to be with us as we purpose to do the will of God the Father and Yeshua His Son. If ever there was a time when we needed the third Person of the Trinity it is definitely now.

Daily I need to pray, “Come Holy Spirit. Fill me with Your wisdom, Your understanding, Your clarity and knowledge of who I am, where I am to go, and how You want it done through my life, this day.” That has to be our desire and prayer if we are to fulfill the call on our lives to bring the saving Gospel of salvation to this terrified, dying and certainly lost world of people.

Come Holy Spirit! We need Your presence and power in our lives this day! Thank you that You are our Comforter and will be with us through it all!

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I love this song by Francesca Battistelli: Holy Spirit

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 09.10.17 - #314 – “Who Is This One? - HOLY SPIRIT” – Sunday 7:45 am

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA