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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

LoveMusic! - Gadol Elohai by Joshua Aaron in Jerusalem - HEBREW! How Great is our God

Gadol Elohai

Joshua Aaron in Jerusalem 
HEBREW! How Great is our God

Sept. 6, 2017

Greetings to all who love Yeshua HaMashiach, the Son of the Most High.

How great is our God! He Who sits on the throne, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Lamb of God, the soon returning Lion of the Tribe of Judah!

We bless Joshua Aaron, and thank him for his Messianic songs in both English and Hebrew.

May you be drawn closer to the Living God of Israel, the One whom our hearts love, as you worship Him Who gives life, liberty, and hope in these end of days.

Ahava and Shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

Gadol Elohai / How Great Is Our God

Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Shem me'al kol shem Otcha raui le'halel Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai Shem me'al kol shem Otcha raui le'halel Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai How great is our God Sing with me how great is our God And all will sing how great, How great is our God Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai How great is our God How great is our God Gadol Elohai

YouTube Published on Mar 29, 2013

American / Israeli singer Joshua Aaron shares the world's beloved worship song, "How Great is our God" in Hebrew. Get it on iTunes at or Filmed in Jerusalem, Israel... featuring Israeli musician Yaron Yerahmiel Cherniak on the Persian Tar. LYRICS BELOW

Gadol Elohai
Shiru ki Gadol Elohai
Kol echad Yirei
Ki gadol Elohai

Bridge (Name above all names):
Shem me'al kol shem
Otcha raui le'halel
Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai

גדול אלוהי
כי גדול אלוהי
כל אחד יראה

כי גדול אלוהי

שם מְעַל כל שם
אותך ראוּי
ליבי ישיר כי
גדול אלוהי

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA