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Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Song of the Vineyard ✡ "My Beloved Had A Vineyard On A Fruitful Hill" - Israel365

Let me sing for my beloved A song of my lover about his vineyard. My beloved had a vineyard On a fruitful hill.

אָשִׁירָה נָּא לִידִידִי שִׁירַת דּוֹדִי לְכַרְמוֹ כֶּרֶם הָיָה לִידִידִי בְּקֶרֶן בֶּן־שָׁמֶן

ישעיהו ה:א
a-SHEE-ra NA lee-dee-DEE shee-RAT do-DEE l’-khar-MO KE-rem ha-YAH
lee-dee-DEE b’-KE-ren ben SHA-men

Today's Israel Inspiration

Isaiah chapter 5 presents one of the most famous parables in the Bible, known as the song of the vineyard. Isaiah gathers the people of Israel together to pass judgment on their actions through the use of the parable of the disobedient vineyard. Despite the owner’s efforts to care for the vineyard that he loves (a metaphor for God’s care for the children of Israel), it produces unripe grapes. Therefore, the owner announces that he will tear down the walls that protect the vineyard from thorns and other dangers of the forest. While Isaiah's prophecies speak of oppression and destruction, they culminate in the ultimate redemption of Zion. The present day situation in Israel is the fulfillment of these prophecies!  Return of Jewish life to Israel is best symbolized by the rejuvenation of vineyards in Samaria, of which Isaiah spoke (26:6). God is fulfilling His promises to His people Israel. You have a unique opportunity to recognize it and be a part of the process. In honor of the upcoming Jewish New Year, be a part of the fulfillment of prophecy, bless Israel, and be a part of the rebirth and rejuvenation of the vineyards of Samaria.

Israeli Vineyards Are Flourishing in the Negev Too!

Pop open a bottle from one of these Israeli desert wineries and you will taste and feel something truly special. The desert breeze...the warm sun by day and the cool nights and no need for pesticides. Israeli wineries in the heart of the desert are defining a whole new type of wine region - and with it an experience like none other.

The Shocking Natural Disasters of 2017

Much media attention has been focused on the sudden spate of deadly hurricanes that struck the US, but a slightly broader perspective yields a truly terrifying picture of natural disasters of Biblical proportions all across the globe.


Wrap Yourself in a Prayer Shawl from Israel

The Prayer Shawl is made up of two components; the garment, and the fringes- in Hebrew, tzitzit. The garment which surrounds the worshiper represents God who is constantly surrounding each and every one of us. The fringes hanging off of the garment are composed of a series of 613 knots. These fringes serve as a reminder of the 613 Biblical commandments. For these reasons, wearing a tallit is the ultimate way to heighten your prayer experience and connection to God.
Shop now and save 22% »



Today's Israel Photo

Grapes ripe for the harvest. By Eliyahu Alpern.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Leona D. from Australia; Stuart O. from Pennsylvania; David F. from Colorado; Don S. from Canada.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Jaime C. from Florida; Andrew M. from Georgia; Bernd L. from Germany; Sherrice B. from Kentucky.
Plant Vineyards in Samaria »

Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Scott C. from Canada; Jackie S. from the UK; Caron F. from New Jersey; Shane J. from South Africa.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

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Thank You for your beautiful website. I love learning all about Israel. This helps with my Bible studies.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA