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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Visionary People are the Same But Different by Bret Wade - Identity Network

Visionary People are the Same But Different 

Bret Wade Identity Network Sept. 26, 2017

As a visionary person, it's easy to feel isolated. You can be among others of similar or same gifting but differ in how it manifests in and through you. Others may not see what you see or understand what you envision. You'll discover who is who in your walk with some discussion. Though some may understand, they may not walk with you.

Your passions may be different then theirs. They also may not be stirred and connect with your passions. That's a good indication that though they walk with you, they may not be able to walk closely with your passion. Learn what you can from them but also find others who understand you and are able to help you develop as a visionary.

Identity Is Inherent In Lifestyle & Personality

Identity is very essential in being able to fully embrace and understand your function as a visionary. Rather than going by gifting as a cookie-cut method of identifying your particular visionary function, it's also important to look at the other side of the coin understanding that inherent lifestyle is also where we need to take a look. Now of course, I'm defaulting to the lifestyle that is flowing out of our being.

Books on the ascension gifting (Ephesians 4:11) will often have fully inclusive lists of attributes that are general in nature. None of us could ever fulfill every characteristic on those lists. For example, every prophet will be different and will only carry the portion for which they're designed. No one does everything. We each have our specialties.

Being visionary works very much through personality and is often of a very specific nature according to the assignment. Put personality with a specific assignment and the behavioral defaults can be very puzzling without the proper insight into identity and assignment.

The fixed internal defaults will continue to surface regardless of trying to resist. Our true self will shine through even when we don't want it to be seen. We will struggle with who we are when it comes to how we function if it doesn't fit the norm if we do not know who we are and why we are here. We will often try to be gifted like others until we've discovered our uniqueness and what's exclusively ours to possess. Then we can rest in who we are and how we were created.

Ask questions. You will get answers.

"So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you."  Luke 11:9, AMPC

1950's TV Western

It's quite possible you may know me or may have read my writing yet not know some things about me. I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself a bit more to you as a visionary. For instance, I use Bret "Maverick" Wade in promoting Fresh Vision. There is significance to my name and nickname that the Lord has used to speak into my identity and purpose. For the sake of demonstration, I'll show you how this applies to myself.

Note: This does not apply to everyone. It happens to be a part of what God used with me. He can and will access anything in your life that He choses to use as a mirror.

My parents named me after the gambler, Bret Maverick, in the 1950's Western TV show "Maverick" starring James Garner. Little did I know as I grew up that God had revealed a very important aspect of my identity.  It wasn't until ten years ago looking back that I could see it plainly.

I didn't like the idea of being labeled a maverick because I thought it meant I was rebellious. I shied away from it until the Lord had me do some research to find out what it actually meant. I made some real discovery about myself.

An abbreviated definition of a maverick is "a lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates as from an established church or majority opinion who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages."

I discovered that why I lived the way I had all my life as a loner and contemplative person was due to my design. My entire life has been outside of the box being true to that design. It was then that the Lord told me to embrace it and not be ashamed of it because it was part of my identity that He'd given to me. Up until then, my grandfather was the only person who called me "Maverick". It was special to me that he called me by it and still holds a place of endearment for me.

As to being a dissenter, I'm actually not opposed to systems if they serve us. What I'm opposed to is serving systems as if they're a suitable substitute for what they represent only to end up ruling us. For example, the organizational church system cannot replace the organic Body of Christ. Systems are servants, not life-giving saviors. Rules have been removed in favor of grace. But that can be it's own controversy to some who mix grace with law.

My focus has always been to live and function according to Biblical truth and application in submission to Holy Spirit. That is my default setting. My passion is to return the Body of Christ back to our foundations and original design free of hindering systemic mindsets and abuses. If I ever see a conflict between Scriptural truth and principle versus how it is being lived, it's time to get clarity and change either what I'm directing or myself.

What's In a Name?

Another realization that came around the same time was the meaning of my name. My given name is Bret Alan Wade. Bret means a gift from God. Alan means handsome. Wade means one who crosses water. What God revealed to me is that I am a beautiful gift that takes people to the other side.

I was quite surprised to see that I had been functioning for many years unconsciously according to His original design for me. In reflecting, I realized I have been created for this purpose. This answered why I don't fit in other's mold and mentality according to my gifting. I have a specific purpose and function.

No matter how many times people have tried to get me to adapt to the system, I kept defaulting! I would revert to the flow of how I was created. I had questioned and often criticized myself throughout my entire life for being a loner and not fitting in. I was still trying to sort this out internally at that time. I realized that I wasn't rebellious or difficult after all. I was true to my design! We often criticize within ourselves what we do not understand.

Discovering my identity that I had been carrying in my name and nickname since my birth boosted my confidence in who I am and how I function. My insecurities were answered. Ten years later, I am now much more focused and determined to function as I was designed. In a time where I'm moving into my specific purpose out of general ministry, it's vital for me to be on target in my niche.

Discover your identity outside of lists, gifts, prophecies or preferences. These are all helpful but the Lord is the One who created you and knows you. Let Him speak to you. Receiving yourself confidently will help others receive you with confidence. Knowing you are sent produces results. Get clarity all along the way.

"He who receives and welcomes and accepts you receives and welcomes and accepts Me, and he who receives and welcomes and accepts Me receives and welcomes and accepts Him Who sent Me."  Matthew 10:40, AMPC

Bret "Maverick" Wade

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA