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Friday, October 27, 2017

Bubonic Plague Spreading From Madagascar, Sparking Fears of End-of-Days Epidemic and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

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Is a Terrifying Biblical Plague Returning Despite Science’s Best Efforts?


Vice President Pence Will Make First State Visit to Israel on Hanukkah

“Happy is the man who finds refuge in You, whose mind is on the [pilgrim] highways.” (Psalms 84:6)

The Year 1948

Currently, we are living in the Hebrew year 5778 of creation. Did you know that Abraham was born in the year 1948 of creation? Abraham was the first Jew! Abraham was also the first Jew to immigrate to the Land of Israel! Thousands of years later, the modern State of Israel was established in the gregorian year 1948! In this year, Jews from around the world flocked to the land in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Is the year 1948 a coincidence here? Definitely not!
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House Unanimously Passes Bills Targeting Iran Terror Proxy Hezbollah

“Justice done is a joy to the righteous, To evildoers, ruination.” (Proverbs 21:15)

White House Denies Reports of ‘Sharp’, ‘Ambitious’ New Peace Plan

“You must not carry false rumors.” (Exodus 23:1)

Jordan Reportedly Furious Over Palestinian Reconciliation Deal

“A dullard vents all his rage, But a wise man calms it down.” (Proverbs 29:11)
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Ethiopian Jews Are Coming Home

This season will see hundreds of Ethiopian Jews returning home after thousands of years in exile. On Wednesday night, 200 new immigrants landed in the Jewish State.


The ram’s horn, in Hebrew shofar, has been a central symbol of Jewish life since Biblical times. The Bible describes many occasions in which the shofar is sounded. As in the above verse, the shofar was blown as a call to war...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA