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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

GOD LOVED ISRAEL - Part 1 of 2 Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Oyewale Abel and wife Margaret

Part 1 of 2
Pastor Abel Oyewale
Nigeria, West Africa


"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.” (Genesis 12:2)

The covenant with Abraham is of two levels. In some instances, God had resolved on what to do irrespective of Abram shortcomings. In other instances, He expected full obedience as a condition for Him to operate.

I pray that God will grant us power that we may never fail ourselves and fail God, in Jesus’ Name.

"So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed him, and lot went with him. Abraham was 75 years old when left Haran." (Genesis 12:4)

After the flood in Genesis 11, God wanted a new nation out of the entire world, so He graciously chose Abraham and lavished His irrevocable covenant on him. God graciously chose and decided to enter into covenant with Abraham, but God expected implicit obedience from him. After Abraham had had some tough experiences He introduced some signs, added some cultural approaches, including the inevitable exiles.

God came to enlarge His covenant. He introduced an obligation for him, which was circumcision. The Lord must be obeyed. He changed the names of the couple. He expected faith and obedience. Has He changed, as He speaks to us to obey Him?

After what looks like the highest test in Abraham's life, to offer up Isaac his son, the covenant was reinforced and enlarged, making it eternal and irrevocable for him. This was also the beginning of the nation called Israel.

God still enters into covenant with believers of every nation today, as each individual first repents and then receives Yeshua (Jesus) as their Savior.


"No longer will your name be called Abram. Your name will be Abraham." (Genesis 17:5)

God had covenanted to bless Abram and make him a father of nations and kings. All these would be through the spiritually blessed Isaac. Ishmael was naturally blessed but not like the covenant son, Isaac.

Isaac grew and received the covenant from God. Covenant was also transferred to his son Jacob.

God is progressive in His revelations. He enlarged and extended the same to Jacob. He had done nothing to justify God's grace (Jacob did not “earn” the Lord’s grace) but that is how God operates. It is out of His indescribable love.

Jacob blessed his son Joseph and his children as he grew old and was dying, as God would have it. He blessed his children in line with the already declared eternally settled covenant of God.

The nation and people of Israel were conceived, born and supervised yet today through the covenant of God. They would, of course, have done better if they had stood on the principle of obedience.

Brother and sister, prepare your children for God and leave Him with all He might choose to do for them. The best thing is to prepare all our children for God, so that they can be carriers of God's covenant.

May our good God of Israel bless you all.

Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father Fellowship International-Nigeria.

Nigerian orphans who have lost both parents. Praying with thanksgiving for their Bibles.

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help them as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Some of the contents sent to Nigeria in October 2017

Pastor Abel wearing the t-shirt and hat from Israel below.

Bibles provided with funds sent from Love For His People

Below: Ahava Love Letter books sent 
from Love For His People

T-shirt from Israel included in the Pastor's Package from Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA