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Friday, October 20, 2017

Israeli Arabs Sentenced to Prison Time for Joining ISIS - israel today

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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
Israeli Arabs Sentenced to Prison Time for Joining ISIS
Israeli Arabs Sentenced to Prison Time for Joining ISIS
A growing number of Israeli Arabs from more radical communities have been openly supporting ISIS
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Orthodox Jews Violently Protest Against Mandatory IDF Service
Orthodox Jews Violently Protest Against Mandatory IDF Service
Mandatory military service has long been one of the main tension points between religious and secular Israelis
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Israel's "Lone Soldiers".
Let's help support them and feel at home in Israel!
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Feminism Gone Haywire
Feminism Gone Haywire
The celebrated robustness of Israel's democracy has sadly produced some very dangerous ideas
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA