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Friday, October 27, 2017

Israeli Athlete Wins Judo Gold: Sings Hatikvah in Defiance of Anti-Semitic Ceremony - Breaking Israel News

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Oct. 27, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Israeli Athlete Wins Judo Gold: Sings Hatikvah in Defiance of Anti-Semitic Ceremony

Christian Zionist Dynasty: Pastor Matt Hagee Follows in CUFI Founder Dad's Footsteps

“The father of a righteous man will exult; He who begets a wise son will rejoice in him.”
(Proverbs 23:24)

A Small but Mighty Nation

Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world! Yet, everyone always has their eye on Israel! Ever since God directed Abraham to journey to the Land of Israel in Genesis 12:2, the world has been obsessed with Israel. Keep Israel close to your heart with this beautiful sterling silver map of Israel pendant.
Save 15%! »

George W. Bush Receives Prize, Bible and Blessing for Commitment to Israel

“Pray for the well-being of Yerushalayim; “May those who love you be at peace.” (Psalms 122:6)

Palestinian Child Draws Pistol and Shoots at IDF [VIDEO]

“A stupid son is vexation for his father And a heartache for the woman who bore him.”
(Proverbs 17:25)

'HydroCamel' Autonomous Submarine Unveiled in Israel

“When you pass through water, I will be with you; Through streams, They shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, You shall not be scorched; Through flame, It shall not burn you.” (Isaiah 43:2)

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Israeli Security Discovers Combat Boots Being Smuggled Into Gaza Inside Children's Slippers

Israeli security forces seize combat boots en route to Hamas. The boots were hidden inside children’s slippers. Israel monitors Gaza’s borders in order to prevent weapons from falling into Hamas’ hands.


Shiloh was the first home of the Ark of the Covenant between God and the Jewish people. It stayed in Shiloh for 369 years, from the time that the children of Israel entered the Land of Israel under the leadership of Joshua until Jerusalem became the capital...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA