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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Love For His People Ministry Update - "The Unexpected" - Steve Martin

Oct. 17, 2017

Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Fall season has finally come here to North Carolina. You can bet my good wife Laurie is grateful! Summer is not her favorite season, and we both appreciate the colors and cool days of autumn. Thank you Lord!

This go around this letter is not the norm, as the regular features from Hadassah from Israel and Pastor Abel from Nigeria didn't make the schedule. The biblical feasts of the Lord certainly fill the days! But they will return next time.

Moses Julius, our Love For His People - Pakistan Director, just completed their sewing class this year for the girls and women in Lahore. Now they will receive their very own sewing machine, which will help earn a living for their families. We congratulate them!

Now that my accounting job retirement has only nine more working days left, I have the trip planned to meet Moses in Toronto the first week in November. We both are excited for this opportunity the Lord has opened the door for, as we will seek Him for future plans.

Please read the Now Think On This message, see Moses' Pakistan update, and buy my latest book, Salvation - My Lord & My God! Each sale earns a $2.50 royalty for Love For His People. This is a good way to support the international work!

We appreciate you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
"The Unexpected" by Steve Martin
“Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will fear no disaster; for you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.” (Psalm 23:4, Complete Jewish Bible)

Fear suddenly comes upon you. Your stomach churns as if you had just been punched in the gut. Panic wants to overtake you. Your head spins, looking for a quick solution to get you out of the mess you just found yourself in. What in the world are you going to do? Where can I run? Who can I call? What do you do?

You trust in the One whom you have trusted in thus far. You call on the Name of the Lord Jesus.

When I woke up this morning I had just gotten a text message from a friend who is newlywed. (I keep my phone on silent when I go to bed. Smart thing to do. Derek Prince, the great Bible teacher whom I was honored to serve on his ministry staff for eight years, often said, “There are no emergencies in the kingdom of God.”) They got married in her country, went on a fantastic honeymoon in another country, but when they came back to cross over into his homeland to start their new life together, they were stopped at the border. The paperwork hadn’t been done as it was supposed to have been done. She couldn’t cross over. 

They were then told it was going to take much legal paperwork, several months, and could cost thousands of dollars. Dollars they didn’t have. Bills they never dreamed of having to be paid on the road ahead. The unexpected had just happened.

How many times have we faced challenges and circumstances when the impossible was facing us, and we didn’t know where to turn, who to call, or what to do next. We seemed frozen with fear, which itself wanted to keep us there. But that is when we need to stand on His Word – that He never leaves us, never forsakes us, never lets the enemy have the final victory.

All of us have faced these situations. A traumatic car accident; a tragic turn of events; an impossible place in our life when it looks as if we have been forsaken, forgotten about, and left standing alone. That is where and when we need to stand on His Word.

Moses Julius - Love For His People - Pakistan Director
& Shalom Today Ministry
Greeting to you in the Name of YESHUA Ha’Masiacha.

Shalom Today Ministry has been running a Sewing Center for the last five years. The purpose of this Sewing Center is to equip the illiterate girls residing in poverty-stricken areas of Pakistan with the skill of sewing. Our vision is to make the poor Christian women skillful with this skill so they can generate income to support their families.

Most of the girls and women in these sewing centers are housemaids or belong to the families of domestic servants. Therefore they are very vulnerable to get persecuted, sexually abused & kidnapped for the name of their religion and obvious financial instability.

The staff currently working in Pakistan also teaches them the words of God along with the regular lessons. Sewing centre also allows them to be safe, self-sufficient, support their families, develop a sense of worth and most importantly teach them from the Living Words of God.

Featured Product - "Salvation" by Steve Martin
Published Oct. 12, 2017
Our world needs saving. The nations are in much turmoil, rage, anger, and lawlessness. Just keep watching the news and it is obvious that times are changing, and it is not changing for the good. It is happening just as the prophets spoke; just as Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 as to how it would come about.

The signs are all around us, forth-telling those exact events which would take place before the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah of Jews and Gentiles, for all who call upon His name for salvation. All indications are that He is coming back soon.

While time is yet with us, and there is light among the growing darkness, we must work with His Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. This is the news of His salvation, which is available to any and all who come to Him, for freedom from sin, death, destruction and all evil.

This salvation is found only in His saving Blood and through His sacrifice on the cross. He is so willing and loving to give His saving grace to all who call upon His Name. He alone is our salvation. His Name is SALVATION.

Paperback only: $7.95 Kindle: $2.95

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA