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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Love For His People Update - by Steve Martin Oct. 3, 2017

Subject: Love For His People Update - by Steve Martin

Oct. 3, 2017

Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina.

I love October! The season changes throughout the globe, with Fall upon us on the northern side; the biblical feasts are celebrated, especially the Feast of Tabernacles; and my good wife Laurie and I celebrate our annual marriage covenant. On this October 8th it is 40 years! Now that is something to celebrate!

And...I retire from my 55 hour/week accounting job at the end of the month. Yeah God!

Sharing these messages with you in this way brings joy to my heart, as I more clearly see the love of the Lord for His people and the nations. While the enemy tries to tear us down and get us to quit the race, His Holy Spirit encourages us to press on. We shall finish the race and join in with the joyous Marriage Supper of the Lamb sooner than we realize.

Please take time to read the words shared from our friends and co-workers in Jerusalem, Pakistan, and Nigeria. The Body of Christ is on the rise and taking ground.

Be blessed in your blessing this week.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
"Clarity" by Steve Martin
Clarity. Do you know what it means? Many people don’t. They walk around in uncertainty, misdirection, unknowing in their thinking, or just plain stupefied. They want to know the answers but end up looking in the wrong place and finding even more confusion. Looking for answers in all the wrong places. Reminds me of a song, doesn’t it?

What to do and how to do it. Where to find what you are looking for. “What is truth?” as he asked even way back then when Truth stood right there in front of him.

We all need clarity. We need something on which we can stand on, knowing what is right, what is wrong, and where to turn when mounting chaos seems to break down everything we have known to be true. Full message - Click here: Clarity - Now Think On This

V’ahavta  וְאָהַבְתָּ   ‘…And you shall love…’ 
Hadassah from Jerusalem
As we are looking ahead, we are in hopes for an even more significant coming year filled with mitzvot (acts of loving-kindness) and a greater reality of the presence of the Living God and the Day in which we are living.

We look forward, with joy, to the season ahead and are grateful to our God for providing a beautiful way to be in relationship with Him and each other.

Full Message: An Appointment with God
Moses Julius - Our Pakistan Director
Coming to America!

Love for His People is helping Moses Julius, our Love For His People - Pakistan Director, come to North America this November for a week visit. We need to help him pay for some of the costs. His plane fare is already covered. 

For several years Moses has been heading up the Christian ministry of Shalom Today Ministries in Pakistan, teaching children there the truth of Yeshua, the full Bible, and to instill in them a great love for the people of Israel. 

He also established a sewing training school to educate widows and needy mothers, so they could learn a trade and provide for their families. Read More
Arms of Love
Video Message by Steve Martin
In this special message I am speaking on the biblical feasts of the Lord, that the Jews have faithfully celebrated each year through the centuries. These are annual days that the Lord Himself has given to believers to share along with them.

Yeshua has fulfilled the spring feasts prophetically and will come back again to fulfill the fall feasts in the days to come.

I am thankful to have been taught the significance of the biblical feasts and hope to give you fuller understanding also. Watch here: The Feasts of the Lord
Pastor Abel Oyewale, Abba Father Fellowship International
Nigeria, West Africa
If is a conditional word. The covenantal blessings of God for His people are premised on the condition of obedience. God commands us to fully obey Him, not turning aside from any of the commands. God expects total, not selective, obedience.

The sin of the Amorites, "But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again for the iniquity of the Amorite." (Book of Genesis)

The sin of Amorites may have been part of why God dislodged them. Israel, privileged to occupy their place, should have therefore remembered that the only way to remain in the Promised Land was to remain faithful to the covenant-keeping God.

Pastor Abel's complete teaching. If You Obey
Our Featured Product For You or To Share as a Gift
Where would churches, ministries or businesses be without the administrators, the directors of departments, or the executive secretaries and administrative assistants? Those organizations who have them know their value. Those who don’t may or may not realize what they are missing. It has been my desire to share a bit of what I have experienced and learned over 40 years.

May the Lord encourage you as you read my thoughts and what has worked for me. I hope the stories and suggestions will impart to you further measures of blessing, for those you support and also to those you give direction to.

Paperback: $5.95 Kindle: Free

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc. | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA