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Monday, October 2, 2017

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matt 5:44 - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries


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Shalom dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
Thank you all for praying for our precious daughter-in-law Shayla's citizenship.  We were due to go to a higher court in Jerusalem but the night before the court date, the Ministry of Interior, MOI, cancelled the meeting! Since we were in Jerusalem with our sons and their families anyway, we consulted our attorney, Michael Decker, who told us that "within 21 days the MOI will notify us regarding citizenship revocation proceedings".  So we've learned the real motive behind all these delays is to try and revoke my (Carolyn's) citizenship.  They say that I made Aliyah (immigrated) under "false pretenses" by declaring that I'm a Jew.  

Of course, I am a Jew.  Apostle Paul said he was a "Hebrew of the Hebrews," and so am I.  Both Paul and I happen to follow the Messiah Yeshua.  If I followed buddha or some other idol, the MOI would have no problem with me, but to follow Yeshua?  Suddenly they declare I'm "not Jewish" anymore.  So this is the bottom line for them: you can believe in anything except the Way, the Truth and the Life and still be Jewish!

When we asked Michael if the real reason behind all of this persecution is because of our outreaches, he said most likely yes.  We must add that there is something good about persecution - it strengthens your faith and resolve to stand for the truth.  We are sharing this NOT so you'll hate the ultra-Orthodox.  Please don't hate them, but pray for those who persecute us and ask G-d for a road to Damascus experience for the Shas Party, who control the MOI.  
"Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Messiah Yeshua will be persecuted."  2 Tim 3:12

A Living Testimony

 After visiting a young man he had led to the L-rd the week before, 

our son Ariel was ready to go home and enjoy Shabbat with his family.  However, the L-rd told him to continue to walk down the beach.  Soon he came to a deserted area where
 he saw a young woman sitting on the beach.  She turned to Ariel and asked him what time it was.  Ariel took this as a sign that she was the one the L-rd wanted him to minister to.  He sat with her and after hearing the Good News and the hope that Yeshua brings, she prayed to receive Him!  Then she said, "I made a terrible mistake."  She explained that she'd just taken 120 pills to leave this life of single parenthood and abuse but now she wanted to live - and then she passed out!  So Ariel quickly called an ambulance.  He texted us, saying only that he was in an ambulance and to pray for him.  Yikes! 

The doctors couldn't believe she survived and were astounded.  The next morning after Shabbat services, Richard and I picked up groceries and followed Ariel and family to visit Amaliyah, who miraculously was discharged from the hospital that morning!  We were cautiously welcomed into her Muslim Bedouin village as they couldn't figure out what we were doing there.  You see, Amaliyah didn't tell her parents what happened and asked us to explain.  So Ariel told the story to her father, who was clearly the patriarch of the family.  He was near tears when he realized that Ariel saved her life.  

After sharing the Gospel with the father, Ariel asked if we could pray for him.  He had a significant pain in his back, which the L-rd healed miraculously.  Of course, after he was healed he gathered his whole family around so we could pray for all of them.  Next his wife entered and soon all the aunts and cousins arrived and many were prayed for and received healings and even words of knowledge! Then they insisted on serving us a Bedouin feast afterwards - beautiful people!  Please pray that they will all follow Yeshua.  An Arabic speaking pastor is following up with them...
LSE Singapore group

Sukkah at our home
Eye to Eye Scripture pic
Come to our Galilee home for an evening of worship, Israeli folk dancing, sharing testimonies & dinner served on our roof with a gorgeous view of the Sea of Galilee, Golan and the Jordan Valley!

Sukkot Sameach!

May you have a joyful Sukkot!
If you'll be in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles please join us and the local Body of Messiah plus believers from the ends of the earth as we wait upon the L-rd together.

Enjoy & share Scripture verses from my Facebook page and thank you so much for clicking on LIKE if you like the page!  

Coming to Israel soon? Could you please bring some items for us?
RH CH Singapore
Thank you all for your love, prayers and support.  We pray for G-d's presence in your midst, His peace in your hearts, His protection to cover you, His provision to support you and His anointing to increase in your lives!
In Yeshua's love,

Richard & Carolyn Hyde

Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  

USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Canada:  First Century Foundations  

Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800

Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada *  

 Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover All 5 Supernatural booklets in a row
"I plan to use your song 'Fine Linen' at my church in the UK for a dance during Sukkot.  This is the first time we've been allowed to present something like this.  This song is so anointed!"
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA